PRDP20245368 - Application for construction of a Dwelling, Single Detached located within the flood fringe, relaxation to the minimum freeboard level requirement [re-advertisement], revised freeboard level requirements to accommodate for design necessities, Lot 7, Block 4, Plan 2411230; SE-13-23-05-05 (2 PINE AVENUE), located in the hamlet of Bragg Creek.
File: 03913195
(Notice Of Decision)
PRDP20247619 - Application for Construction of Accessory Building, relaxation to the maximum accessory building parcel coverage requirement, Accessory Dwelling Unit (existing), relaxation to the maximum gross floor area requirement, Lot 12 Plan 7810136; SE-16-25-03-05 (27 IDLEWILD ESTATES), located approximately 1.21 km (0.75 mile) north of Township Road 251A and 0.81 km (0.50 mile) west of Range Road 33.
File: 05716016
(Notice Of Decision)
PRDP20248155 - Application for Dwelling, Single Detached (existing), relaxation to the minimum side yard setback requirement, Lot 12, Block 3, Plan 1612676; NW-05-25-03-05 (161 BROME BEND), located in the hamlet of Harmony.
File: 05705068
(Notice Of Decision)
PRDP20248202 - Application for Dwelling, Single Detached (existing), relaxation to the minimum side yard setback requirement, Lot 8, Block 13, Plan 1810288; SE-07-25-03-05 (79 JUNEBERRY HEIGHTS), located in the hamlet of Harmony.
File: 05707099
(Notice Of Decision)
PRDP20250592 - Application for Dwelling, Single Detached (existing), construction of an addition and relaxation to the minimum front yard setback requirement [replacement of PRDP20241139], Lot 4, Block 14, Plan 1811886; NW-02-25-03-05 (159 LARIAT LOOP), located approximately 0.81 km (0.50 mile) east of Range Road 32 and 1.61 km (1 mile) north of Township Road 250.
File: 05702192
(Notice Of Decision)
PRDP20247779 - Application for Single-lot regrading and excavation, and placement of clean fill for the construction of Accessory Building (greenhouse), Lot 17, Block 1, Plan 0513431; SE-16-26-03-05 (17 MOUNTAIN GLEN CLOSE), located approximately 0.20 km (0.13 mile) north of Township 262 and 0.41 km (0.25 mile) west of Range Road 33.
File: 06716029
(Notice Of Decision)
PRDP20244919 - Application for renewal of Home-Based Business (Type II), for a contractor (waste management) business, Lot 3, Block 8, Plan 9011211; SE-02-26-03-05 (A, 260091 WOODLAND ROAD), located approximately 0.41 km (0.25 mile) north of Township Road 260 and 1.21 km (0.75 mile) west of Highway 766.
File: 06702003
(Notice Of Decision)
PRDP20247620 - Application for Home-Based Business (Type II), for an office and outdoor storage of trucks, SW-23-27-04-05 (273120 RANGE ROAD 42), located approximately 0.41 km (0.25 mile) south of Township Road 274 and on the east side of Range Road 42.
File: 07823004
(Notice Of Decision)
PRDP20247722 - Application for construction of an Accessory Dwelling Unit (garden suite), relaxation to the maximum gross floor area, relaxation to the maximum accessory building parcel coverage, and relaxation to the maximum building height, Lot 3, Block 1, Plan 4582 GB; NW-19-25-02-05 (25216 NAGWAY ROAD), located approximately 0.20 km (0.13 mile) north of Highway 1A and 0.81 km (0.50 mile) west of 12 Mile Coulee Road.
File: 05619025
(Notice Of Decision)
PRDP20248458 - Application for renewal of Home-Based Business (Type II), for wholesale of health foods, Lot 1 Plan 9410512; SE-35-25-03-05 (31076 TOWNSHIP ROAD 255), located 0.20 km (0.13 mile) west of Woodland Road and on the north side of Township Road 255.
File: 05735006
(Notice Of Decision)
PRDP20247858 - Application for Kennel, for a private dog park and the installation of five (5) non-illuminated freestanding sign, relaxation to the maximum number of freestanding sign requirement and relaxation to the minimum freestanding sign setback separation distance requirement, Lot 2, Block 1, Plan 2111525; NW-25-27-01-05, located approximately 0.81 km (0.50 mile) west of Highway 2 and south of Township Road 275.
File: 07525003
(Notice Of Decision)
PRDP20248266 - Application for renewal of a Home-Based Business, Type II, for a fabrication shop and vehicle inspection services, relaxation to the allowable use, Lot 3, Block 1, Plan 0912773; SW-05-26-28-04 (284134 TOWNSHIP ROAD 260), located approximately 0.81 km (0.50 mile) east of Range Road 285 and on the north side of Township Road 260.
File: 06305007
(Notice Of Decision)
PRDP20248443 - Application for Industrial (Logistics), construction of a multi-tenant commercial office/warehouse, outside storage, and relaxation to the minimum loading stall width dimension, Lot 3, Block 6, Plan 2510022; NE-01-26-29-04 (260169 RANGE ROAD 290), located approximately 0.41 km (0.25 mile) south of Township Road 261 and on the west side of Range Road 290.
File: 06401024
(Notice Of Decision)
PRDP20246443 - Application for renewal of a Home-Based Business (Type II), for a landscaping and construction business, Lot 1, Block 10, Plan 9010506; SE-12-26-02-05 (261114 VALLEY VIEW ROAD), located approximately 0.81 km (0.50 mile) south of Highway 566 and 0.81 km (0.50 mile) west of Range Road 20.
File: 06612036
(Notice Of Decision)
PRDP20240816 - Application for Kennel, for cat and dog boarding [re-advertisement], Lot 1, Block 4, Plan 1311657; SW-24-24-28-04 (243034 RANGE ROAD 281), located approximately 1.21 km (0.75 mile) south of Inverlake Road and on the east side of Range Road 281.
File: 04324031
(Notice Of Decision)
PRDP20246660 - Application for General Industry, Type II, construction of two (2) multi-tenant warehouse buildings, signage, and relaxation to the minimum off-street loading space area requirement, Lot 13, Block 2, Plan 0614755; SE-31-23-28-04 (6 WRANGLER PLACE), located approximately 1.21 km (0.75 mile) south of Township Road 240 and 0.20 km (0.13 mile) west of Range Road 285.
File: 03331075
(Notice Of Decision)
PRDP20247041 - Application for stockpiling of topsoil, for agricultural purposes (placed without permits), Lot 1, Block 2, Plan 0510520; SE-29-23-28-04 (234129 RANGE ROAD 284), located northwest of the junction of Highway 560 and Range Road 284.
File: 03329001
(Notice Of Decision)
PRDP20247492 - Application for General Industry Type II, construction of an addition and renovation of an existing industrial building for a multi-tenant/office industrial building, relaxation to the minimum off street loading space area requirement, Lot 2, Block 3, Plan 0412838; SW-31-23-28-04 (235090 WRANGLER DRIVE), located approximately 0.20 km (0.13 mile) north of 61 Avenue and 0.41 km (0.25 mile) west of Ryan Road.
File: 03331041
(Notice Of Decision)
PRDP20248285 - Application for Industrial (Medium) (existing), Dwelling Unit, accessory to principal use (existing dwelling, single detached), Office and two (2) Accessory Buildings (existing), intensification of the existing outdoor storage area; relaxation to the outside storage location requirement and over height fencing, Lot 1 Plan 8911489; NE-16-23-28-04 (232175 RANGE ROAD 283), located approximately 0.81 km (0.50 mile) north of Township Road 232 and on the west side of Range Road 283.
File: 03316007
(Notice Of Decision)