Conrich Future Policy Area


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Following public engagement in October/November 2023, Administration has revised the land use strategy and the policies for the Future Policy (FPA) of the Conrich Area Structure Plan (ASP) to align with the Calgary Metropolitan Region Growth Plan and engagement feedback. This work has included completing technical studies for transportation, water, wastewater and stormwater.

The Conrich ASP amendments are tentatively scheduled to be presented for Council’s consideration at a public hearing on October 16th, 2024. Administration will circulate notice of the ASP amendments to residents in early July for comment. Administration will host online sessions during the circulation period to address questions on the ASP and provide information about the public hearing process.

Online sessions are planned for:

  • Wednesday July 17, 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
  • Monday July 22, 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

The ASP amendments and technical studies are available to view:

Highlights of the amendments include: 

  • Identification of the eastern portion of the FPA as a Long-Term Development area, requiring further planning and ASP amendments for further progress. This was done to promote phasing of development from west to east with a focus on the Hamlet Communities before considering the outlying reaches of the Plan Area.  
  • Provision of policy guidance identifying distinct neighborhoods that will develop an urban form. This allows for the comprehensive planning of each area and sensitive management of the required higher densities with a mix of housing types, amenities and recreation spaces, connections to the Community Core and provision of appropriate transitions to the existing residential neighbourhoods.  
  • Minor adjustments throughout the draft Plan to update and align it with recent approvals in the area, the RGP, and updated technical information.  

Public Engagement 

The County provided various engagement opportunities during October/November 2023 to gather feedback on the latest draft of the Conrich FPA ASP amendment project. These included an in-person Open House with two workshop sessions, a virtual Open House with two coffee chat sessions, and One-on-One meetings. The engagement summary report is now available. You can read the report here:

The Engagement Summary Report presents the results of the Open House, the Virtual Open Houses, survey responses, and written submissions. Along with other planning policy and technical considerations, public feedback is a primary guiding factor in the refinement of the proposed amendments to the ASP.

The County provided several public engagement opportunities in October 2023 to present updates to the plan and receive feedback on improving the draft Area Structure Plan, which included an Open House on October 21, 2023 and a Virtual Open House on October 25, 2023.

The presentation from the Open House (including the Virtual Open House) provides background information, key changes proposed, phasing and next steps, can be viewed here:

Next Steps

The Conrich ASP FPA amendments are scheduled to be presented to Council at a public hearing in October 2024. Over the summer, Administration will complete the following:

  • Circulate to the City of Calgary, agencies and residents for comments in July 2024.
  • Host online sessions during the circulation period to address questions on the ASP and to information about the public hearing process.
  • Review comments from intermunicipal partners, other agencies and residents and refine the ASP as needed.
  • Advertise the Public Hearing in mid September.

Previous Information

Council granted First Reading to the Conrich Area Structure Plan at the July 28, 2020 Council Meeting.

The County hosted a Workshop on June 10, 2019 to provide background information and gather feedback from the community regarding how development in the Conrich Future Policy Area should proceed. Materials from the Workshop are available for review:

Through the information gathered from an online survey, the June 10 workshop, and individual landowner meetings, an engagement summary has been prepared. The engagement summary, as well as a public input map are available for your review:

The Public Input Map is a graphical representation of the feedback provided at the June 10 workshop and not the final land use strategy. Based on the feedback received, policy direction, and technical criteria, the County has been preparing the draft Area Structure Plan amendments for Council consideration at future a Public Hearing.

Governance Committee 

To view the Governance Committee discussion on the Conrich ASP that was held on September 12, 2023 please go to the County’s Meetings and Hearings page.


Conrich is located within the southeast quadrant of the County, bordering the City of Calgary to the west and south, and the City of Chestermere to the south. The area contains a mix of residential, industrial and agricultural uses; and in 2018, the estimated population was 2,066 residents. This includes:

  • 21 residents in the hamlet;
  • 1,225 in the residential area (surrounding the hamlet)
  • 626 in the Prince of Peace development;
  • and 194 in the remaining area.

The Conrich Area Structure Plan was adopted in December 2015. The Plan provides a comprehensive planning and technical framework for a development area identified as a Full Service Hamlet and Regional Business Centre. The Plan seeks to ensure the integration of residential and business uses in a manner that provides for appropriate transition of land uses, compatibility, and mitigates the impacts of development.

Prior to adoption of the Plan, Council sought multiple amendments to address intermunicipal concerns and development constraints, including the proximity of the CN rail line. Among the most critical amendments were changes to the land use strategy for the hamlet core to establish the Future Policy Area. The intent of the Future Policy Area is to establish a hamlet boundary, community core, residential areas, and other land use areas.

Section 10 of the Conrich Area Structure Plan envisions the hamlet commercial area forming part of the community core. Section 16 of the Plan requires the Future Policy Area review to consider potential future school sites.

Master technical studies were undertaken for the Conrich Area Structure Plan and will be updated as necessary to support the development of the Future Policy Area that addresses concerns with respect to servicing, transportation, and stormwater.

Project Timeline

The Conrich Future Policy Area project will involve public and stakeholder engagement, technical reviews, policy writing, and development of land use scenarios for the area. The plan will be prepared in the following phases:

  • Phase 1: Project Initiation and Background Analysis
    January - April 2019
    Technical work and initial engagement with the community will be undertaken in this phase. Scoping of technical studies to be initiated including water and wastewater servicing, traffic impact, and an updated drainage plan.
  • Phase 2: Stakeholder Engagement
    May - July 2019
    This phase will mark the official public launch of the project and includes engagement with the public and municipal neighbors to set the community vision, objectives and high-level land use strategy. The draft vision, objectives and potential land use scenarios will be completed in this phase based on feedback.
  • Phase 3: Draft Area Structure Plan Amendments and Technical Assessment
    2019 - 2024
    County staff will prepare the draft area structure plan amendments and complete the supporting technical studies.
  • Phase 4: Public Hearing & Approval
    Fall 2024
    A public hearing for Council to consider the Conrich Area Structure Plan amendments are tentatively scheduled for October 16, 2024. Should Council give 2nd reading to the amendments, the ASP will be referred to the Calgary Metropolitan Region Board for consideration and if approved, return to Council for 3rd reading and final approval.

Related Information

The Conrich Future Policy Area project will align with other statutory plans, policies, and studies that have been adopted since the original Area Structure Plan came into effect in 2017.

Please visit the links below to review these related plans, policies, and studies:

Get Involved

There are several ways to get involved in this project.

  • Contact us at or 403.230.1401 for questions, updates or further information.
  • Fill out the form below and we will send you regular email updates.
  • Follow the project on this webpage. We will post regular updates and upcoming events.


FOIP Notification: Personal information provided through this online form is collected in accordance with section 33(c) of the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. The information is collected for the purpose of creating and maintaining a mailing list to provide interested parties updates on the status of this project. Questions about the collection, use, and disclosure of this information can be directed to the Manager of Planning & Development Services at 403-230-1401.


Planning Policy

County Plans Overview

Check out the County Plans Overview (PDF) for a quick look at the different types of planning documents used in the County and how they interact.