Springbank Area Structure Plan


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On May 28, 2024, Administration presented the Springbank Area Structure Plan Options Report to Council seeking direction on how to proceed with the three existing Springbank Area Structure Plans (ASP) (Central Springbank, North Springbank, and Moddle). Council directed Administration to prepare a new Springbank ASP that combines the three existing ASPs into a single document, while keeping the direction of the existing land use strategies as per Option 1 of the report. Administration was directed to present the new ASP no later than the end of Q3 2024 at a public hearing for Council’s consideration.

With this direction, Administration is working to prepare the draft ASP and intends to circulate the new plan in mid-July to residents, the City of Calgary and other agencies for comment. Administration will host online sessions during the circulation period to address questions on the ASP and provide information about the public hearing process. Dates and times for these sessions will be provided when the draft ASP is circulated.

Next Steps

The ASP amendments will be presented to Council at a Public Hearing in late September. Over the summer Administration will complete the following:

  • Prepare a draft ASP and circulate to the City of Calgary, agencies and residents for comments in July 2024.
  • Host online sessions during the circulation period to address questions on the ASP and to information about the public hearing process.
  • Review comments from intermunicipal partners, other agencies and residents and refine the ASP as needed.
  • Advertise the Public Hearing at the end of August and in early September.

Previous Items

The County completed public engagement on the previous draft of the Springbank Area Structure Plan in the summer of 2023. The purpose of the engagement was to gather feedback on the previous draft ASP. 

You can read the Engagement Summary here: 

Previously the County had revised the Springbank Area Structure Plan with a draft Land Use Strategy in June 2023, with consideration of the feedback outlined in the project Engagement Summary from April 2022 (see April 2022 report below) and regional planning policy. 

Highlights of the June 2023 revisions had included: 

  • Amalgamation of the previous draft North and South Springbank plans into one overall ASP. 
  • A significant reduction in the amount of lands identified for development within the Plan area compared with the existing approved area structure plans. 
  • A significant reduction of high intensity development forms including Cluster Residential, Business, and Urban Interface areas from the ASP. 
  • Identification of four areas in Springbank that require careful planning through a County-led Conceptual Scheme particularly focusing on protection of existing residents, high quality design and preservation of the rural character of Springbank. These proposed areas include the Springbank Airport Employment Area. 

The June 2023 draft Springbank ASP can be viewed below: 

Along with the draft plan, the Project Team had created additional materials that provide more information on specific topics. 

The presentation from the Open House provides background information, key changes proposed, identifies the amended areas, features of the 2023 Draft plan, description of each focused area and next steps and can be viewed here: 

Administration presented the 2023 Engagement Summary to the Governance Committee on January 16, 2024. Considering the feedback received from the community, the Committee directed Administration to report back to Council on the feasibility of combining the three existing ASPs in Springbank (Central Springbank ASP, North Springbank ASP, and Moddle ASP) into a single planning document with the intent to maintain the existing land use strategies and implement minor amendments.

The Springbank ASP Options Report was prepared to address Governance Committee’s direction and was presented to Council on May 28, 2024. The report can be found here:

Past Community Engagement - 2022

The County provided multiple engagement opportunities during the spring of 2022 to receive feedback on improving the draft ASPs. The engagement opportunities included an open house, virtual coffee chat sessions, and an online survey.

The following Engagement Summary provides an overview of what we heard.

Draft Plans granted second reading by Council and refused by the Calgary Metropolitan Region Board (CMRB) are listed below:

The technical assessments that support implementation of the Area Structure Plans are complete and include:

Project Milestones

The plan will be prepared in the following phases:

Phase 1 – 4 as set out in the Terms of Reference are complete. Please see link below for details.

Phase 5 – Plan Refinement (Current)

  • Administration presented an update report to Council. Council approved a Revised Terms of Reference (PDF) for the project – December 14, 2021
  • Engagement on ASP – March through May 2022 
  • Adoption of Regional Growth Plan – August 15, 2022 
  • Update to Council on implications of Regional Growth Plan – September 13, 2022 
  • Administration presented an update to the County’s Governance Committee – April 4, 2023 
  • Public engagement on the revised Springbank ASP – June 2023 
  • Report feedback to County’s Governance Committee – January 16, 2024
  • Springbank ASP Options Report to Council – May 28, 2024
  • Public Hearing – Late September 2024

Administration is working to prepare the draft ASP and intends to circulate the new plan in mid-July to residents, the City of Calgary and other agencies for comments. Comments will be reviewed and the ASP will be refined as needed prior to the Public Hearing.


For materials published during Phases 1 to 4, including previous iterations of the ASP(s), engagement reports, and open house materials, please contact the project team.

A new Springbank Area Structure Plan will ensure we have an up-to-date plan that aligns with other plans, policies, and studies that have been adopted since the original Springbank plans were completed. Please visit the links below to review these related plans, policies, and studies:

View a map of the Study Area (PDF)

Get Involved

There are several ways to get involved or receive updates on the project:

  • Contact us at planning_policy@rockyview.ca or 403.230.1401 for questions, updates or further information.
  • Fill in the form below and we will send you regular email updates.
  • Follow the project on this webpage. We will post updates and upcoming events.


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Planning Policy

County Plans Overview

Check out the County Plans Overview (PDF) for a quick look at the different types of planning documents used in the County and how they interact.