2025 Meeting Dates
- February 5
- June 11
- September 17
- December 10
Meeting agendas, minutes, and live streaming are available on our Meetings & Hearings web page.
Rocky View County does not provide direct recreational programs or facilities. It depends on non-profit community groups and municipal partners to do so.
The County has established a new Recreation Governance Committee comprised of only Council members. This Committee makes strategic decisions to better prioritize recreation funding, looking at the needs of the entire County, including consideration of programs, services, and facilities that the County funds in neighbouring municipalities.
Role of Committee
- Foster the creation, development, and operations of recreation programs, facilities, infrastructure, services, parks, and park land
- Act as an approving body regarding matters pertaining to recreation and cultural services in the County, including grant applications, studies, and master plans
- Support recreation and cultural facility development and programs through the Community Recreation Funding program
- Support the County-wide Recreation Master Plan, recreation planning, and community engagement
- Recognize that long-term strategic planning is required, planning for future facilities needs to be prioritized, and funding needs to be allocated
- All acting Councillors
- Councillor Samra is Chair
- Councillor Wright Vice Chair
- All members’ terms expire at the end of Council’s term in October 2025
- The Committee will meet a minimum of four times per year or at the call of the Chair.
- Additional meetings or special meetings may be held at the call of the Chair.
- No meetings are held during the summer and winter breaks (August and December).
- Meetings will be conducted in accordance with the County’s Procedure Bylaw.
- All meetings are open to the public. If required, closed sessions will be held in accordance with the Municipal Government Act, Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, and the County’s Procedure Bylaw.
- Meetings are attended by the Executive Leadership Team or their authorized delegates; Recreation, Parks, and Community Support Manager or authorized delegate; Municipal Clerk or authorized delegate; and relevant subject matter experts.
- Meeting agendas, minutes, and live streaming are available on our Meetings & Hearings web page.
Presenting to the Recreation Governance Committee
The members of the Recreation Governance Committee are County Councillors, but the meetings are not Council meetings. This Committee acts as an approving body regarding matters pertaining to recreation and cultural services in the County, including grant applications, studies, and master plans.
If you would like to bring something to the Committee’s attention, you can apply to make a presentation. Presentations must fall within the purview of the Committee.
Examples of presentations that might be accepted by the Committee include those from:
- non-for-profit or community groups about their work in relations to Recreation matters in the community;
- non-for-profit or community groups about their future plans or current activities in relations to Recreation matters in the community;
- non-for-profit, community groups or associations and/or services providers that are applying for Recreation Grants over $100,000.00.
Examples of what might not be accepted by the Committee include presentations from:
- individuals or groups that want to present matters not related to recreation in the County;
- individuals or groups with specific local issues (these matters should be taken to the Division Councillor); or
- individuals or groups wishing to provide technical, legal, or similar information when they possess no relevant qualifications or expertise.
Presentations are strictly limited to 20 minutes unless the Committee passes a resolution to extend the presentation time. Committee members may ask questions afterwards.
To request the opportunity to make a presentation, please fill in the Recreation Governance Committee Presentation Request form below:
You can then either submit this form electronically, or print it and send a paper copy to:
Rocky View County
Attention: Recreation, Parks & Community Support
262075 Rocky View Point
Rocky View County, AB
T4A 0X2
Please make your requests as early as possible—a completed application form must be submitted eight weeks prior to the scheduled Committee meeting in order for the presentation to be included on the agenda.
If your presentation request proceeds to a meeting, you must provide the Recreation, Parks & Community Support with a final copy of your presentation materials (including PowerPoint or similar) at least six weeks before the presentation. Once submitted, changes to this material are not permitted. If changes are needed, your presentation may be rescheduled by the Committee Chair and Vice-Chair.
If you have questions about presenting to the Recreation Governance Committee, contact the Recreation, Parks & Community Support Office at recreation@rockyview.ca or 403.520.1401.
Recreation Funding
Community Recreation Funding Grants support non-profit organizations that provide recreation programs and facilities for County residents. For details and to apply, visit the Community Recreation Funding Grant page.