Assessment Review Board

The Rocky View County Assessment Review Board is a quasi-judicial board established under the Alberta Municipal Government Act and Rocky View County Bylaw C-7778-2018, Assessment Review Boards Bylaw. The Assessment Review Board is an impartial tribunal that makes decisions regarding property assessment complaints.

The following information provides details on working with the Assessment Review Board to file an assessment complaint:

Role of Board


  • Rocky View County appoints up to 15 local members to the Assessment Review Board.
  • Local Assessment Review Board panels are comprised of local members
  • Composite Assessment Review Board panels are comprised of two local members and a provincial member. Provincial members are appointed by the Minister pursuant to the Municipal Government Act
  • Local members are paid a per diem and mileage in accordance with Council Policy C-221 (PDF)


  • Three year term, in a manner that the expiration dates of the appointments are staggered


  • Meetings are scheduled on an as-needed basis and at the call of the Chair

Current Members

Member Position Expiry
K. Sawatzky Chair 2025
J. Anderson Vice-Chair 2026
C. Germaniuk    2026
F. Hays   2026
L. Champagne   2025
N. Wiebe   2024
P. Gill   2026
P. Rozitis   2025
S. Barrett   2025
T. Kanik   2026


Legislative Services

262075 Rocky View Point
Rocky View County, AB
T4A 0X2

Join a Board or Committee

To apply for a member at large position on a committee or board, submit the Committee Application Form (PDF) along with a current resume.

Vacant positions will be advertised in the local newspaper, and on this website.

Appointment of members to boards and committees takes place at the annual organizational meeting of Council.