Highway 1 & Range Road 33 Interchange


The interchange is a regionally significant piece of transportation infrastructure for The County’s west side.  In addition to residential users, the interchange is also extensively utilized to access services on both the north and south sides of Highway 1 which include, but are not limited to, Springbank’s schools, Edge School and Parks for All Seasons; Springbank Airport; Mickelson National Golf Club, Calaway Park, Commercial Court and Emergency Medical Services deployed from Springbank Airport. 

In March 2009, Alberta Transportation initiated a Functional Planning Study for this Interchange.  Since 2009, the County has seen the completion of Edge School, further expansion at Springbank Airport, the launch of the Harmony subdivision and the approval of Bingham Crossing.  In addition to these approved projects adding volume to regional transportation infrastructure, Administration is also aware of several other pending and potential new developments in the area. 

Stage 1 Improvements

Project Timeline 

  • The project design is underway and expected to be completed in Fall 2023. 
  • Construction expected to start Spring 2024. 

Should you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Ron Renaud at Rencor Developments at 403-263-4449. 

Project FAQ 

Is Costco approved?

Costco has received conditional approval through a decision by the County’s Subdivision and Development Appeal Board (SDAB). Costco has also received conditional approval by Alberta Transportation and Economic Corridors by way of a Roadside Development Permit. The County is currently reviewing the design drawings along with ATEC prior to signing of the Development Agreement to construct the necessary upgrade that would satisfy one of the conditions of approval for the Costco

What improvements are required to be completed before Costco's opening, and what will be deferred to a later date?

The staging of Highway 1 and Range Road 33 interchange improvements were determined through a functional planning study initiated by Alberta Transportation and Economic Corridors (ATEC) in 2009. The study identified the traffic triggers and staging plan for the interchange, which has been further refined in terms of timing and details with the development specific transportation studies.  

Stage 1 of Highway 1 and Range Road 33 interchange is required to be completed prior to Costco’s opening. Stage 1 consists of: 

  • Reconfigure the interchange ramps to a diamond configuration  
  • Upgrade the interchange ramp terminal intersections to roundabouts  
  • Widen Range Road 33 to four lanes between Highway 1 and Township Road 250  
  • Upgrade the Range Road 33 and Township Road 250 intersection to a roundabout 
  • Stage 1 Improvements (PDF)

Stage 2 interchange improvements, which includes twinning the bridge over Highway 1, will be triggered through continued development within the Springbank area. 

What is the timing of the upgrade and when will Costco plan to be open?

The developer expects to begin construction on the road improvements in Spring 2024. Costco plans to open in Fall 2025.

How will the upgrades to be completed before Costco opens benefit the existing residential communities and businesses?

The upgrades to the Highway 1 and Range Road 33 interchange will offer safety and operational improvements:

  • Construction of interchange ramps with highway entry and exit tapers of proper length will improve the safety of merge and diverge movements at the interchange.
  • Conversion of stop-controlled intersections to roundabouts. This will improve traffic capacity at these intersections as well as safety. As described in ATEC’s Roundabout Design Guidelines on Provincial Highways (June 28, 2016), roundabouts offer a number of benefits, including a reduction in severity of crashes, traffic calming, reduction in vehicular delays and reduced greenhouse gas emissions.

How is the concern raised with respect to the westbound ramp from RR33 to Hwy 1 been addressed?

The review of the interchange is underway. Rocky View County has noted the concerns regarding the westbound ramp and is working with the developer to address the issue. 

Have the Transportation Impact Assessment been completed to reflect both Harmony’s build-out and Costco’s traffic flow pattern? Has Alberta Transportation and Economic Corridors accepted the report?

A Transportation Impact Assessment (TIA) was submitted to the County and is currently under review, Alberta Transportation and Economic Corridors has not accepted the report as of September 13, 2023. 

What is a teardrop roundabout and why has it replaced the traditional roundabout presented at SDAB previously?

Teardrop roundabouts operate in the same manner as conventional roundabouts, however, one movement is eliminating creating the “teardrop” shape. Teardrop roundabouts can be used in a paired configuration at ramp intersections, eliminating the direct U-turn movement. U-turns can still be made by circulating around both roundabouts. This roundabout configuration reduces conflicts for vehicles entering the roundabout and improves capacity.  

The figure presented at SDAB was strictly to identify the road network improvements. The figure did not contain any design details. 

With the configuration of the improvements provided for Stage 1, has there been consideration on how it will be integrated with the future twinning of the bridge structure? 

Yes, the design allows for integration with the future twinning of the bridge structure over Highway 1. 

Why was the teardrop roundabout configuration not located further south far enough so that it could be a proper roundabout providing access to both Commercial Court and Calaway Park as well as between RR 33 and Hwy 1?  

The function of the teardrop roundabouts is to facilitate access to and from Highway 1 and not for local access to Calaway Park or Commercial Court. ATEC would be unlikely to support this configuration as such a configuration would not meet roundabout guidelines and standards. 

How will access to Commercial Court be addressed? Will Twp Rd 245 be reviewed to ensure that the road and intersection will be adequate to handle the traffic?  

The County is working with the developer and ATEC to explore providing a right-in/right-out at the Range Road 33 and Commercial Drive intersection on an interim basis. Pending the outcome of these discussions, the County will have to evaluate the impact on Twp Rd 245 

Will Costco development be required to undertake the upgrades that will be required on Twp Rd 245 as Commercial Court access will be closed as a result of the improvements identified for the opening of Costco? 

Township Road 245 is currently not included in the scope of work for the interchange upgrade, however the County is to start the design of Township Road 245 improvements when the traffic volumes are projected as part of the design process of Stage 2.  As previously noted, the County is working with the developer and ATEC to explore providing a right-in/right-out at the Range Road 33 and Commercial Drive intersection on an interim basis. Pending the outcome of these discussions, the County will have to evaluate the impact and timing of improvement on Twp Rd 245. 

Has the County consulted the landowners within Commercial Court with regards to the closure of RR33 access?  

The County will communicate the access changes to Range Road 33 when the interim status of the intersection is known. 

How is closing RR 33 access to Commercial Court consistent with the County’s Servicing Standards that require developments with more than 10 lots to have secondary access?  

Should the Commercial Drive access to Range Road 33 be closed, it will be gated and remain as an emergency access. This aligns with the County Servicing Standards. 

Will access to Calaway Park be impacted by either the upgrades to be completed before Costco opens and/or by future upgrades?  

The County is working with the developer and ATEC to determine the interim status of the existing Calaway Park access. The Calaway Park access will ultimately be required to be located to the south on an extension of Township Road 245. 

Given that the traffic studies determined that Range Road 33 needs to be twinned between Township Road 250 and the interchange “roundabout” north of Hwy 1, how will the proposed lane configurations avoid traffic backing up over the two-lane bridge?

The traffic studies have determined that the south roundabout will operate at an acceptable level of service during peak hours. 

What will stop Calgary-bound traffic exiting Costco from using the roundabout at RR 33 / Twp Rd 250 to return to Hwy 1 via Twp Rd 250 to the Old Banff Coach Road interchange rather using the RR 33 interchange?   

A right-in/left-out access to Township Road 250 for the Bingham Crossing site was chosen to direct traffic away from the residential areas located east of the subject lands. The access geometry and raised median treatment will deter drivers from turning right onto Township Road 250. The access will be signed to prohibit right turns and enforcement can be conducted, as necessary. The roundabout at Range Road 33 and Township Road 250 does allow for U-turns. 

What is the current funding commitment for the Stage 2 upgrades?  

The current funding commitment for Stage 2 interchange upgrade is $24M shared between Rocky View County,  Harmony Developments Inc. and Bingham Crossing Properties Inc.  In addition, Alberta Transportation and Economic Corridors has committed $2M towards the engineering of the Stage 2 interchange improvements.  

What plans does the County have for upgrading Twp Rd 245 to deal with its increased traffic load from all these changes?  What is the timeline for those upgrades?  

Township Road 245 in not included in the cost sharing agreement for Stage 2.  However, the County plans to start design of Township Road 245 improvements when the traffic volumes are projected as part of the design process of Stage 2.  

Will Costco development be required to undertake the upgrades that will be required on Twp Rd 245 as Commercial Court access will be closed as a result of the improvements identified for the opening of Costco? 

Township Road 245 in not included in the cost sharing agreement for Stage 2.  However, the County plans to start design of Township Road 245 improvements when the traffic volumes are projected as part of the design process of Stage 2. 

  • Will the speed limit changes along Twp Rd 245 be reviewed? 

When the detailed design of Township Road 245 is completed, the speed limit will be determined based on the final geometric design, access management, and land uses in the area.  

  • What is the overall plan for Twp Rd 245 and how does it fit into the rest of the improvements that have been identified? 

The design of Stage 2 and Township Road 245 will be completed in sequence to ensure the designs can accommodate and properly manage projected traffic volumes and flows in the catchment area.    



Capital Projects
T: 403.230.1401
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