County Council has a Strategic Plan, created in consultation with Administration, stakeholders and the community to guide the County into the future. The foundation of Council’s Strategic plan rests on four Strategic Themes:
- Effective Service Delivery
- Financial Prosperity
- Thoughtful Growth
- The Rocky View Lifestyle
Those themes are the broad areas that guide the County towards achieving the Mission and Vision. Council has further articulated eleven Strategic Objectives and a number of key performance indicators, that provide Administration direction on where it should focus its effort. Values are what motivate our actions. As a County, we have three values that reinforce how we do our work:
- Integrity,
- Leadership
- Accountability.
Council’s Strategic Plan 2023-2027
The Strategic Plan will be reported on quarterly through the presentation of Accountability Reports to Council.
Planning & Development Enhancement Strategy
In alignment with the County’s Five-Year Strategic Plan, the Planning & Development Department Enhancement Strategy was developed and implemented in 2023 with the goal to improve the Department’s customer service delivery and operational efficiency, as well as develop processes to ensure continuous improvement.
The 2023 End of Year Report highlights the successes and areas for growth outlined by the Strategy. The Department achieved significant advancements in process mapping, handling over 11,200 inquiries, and improving the timeliness of planning and subdivision approvals, notably reducing processing times. Building on these results, the 2024 Planning Roadmap provides a forward-looking perspective into continuing this strategic direction.
Accountability Reports
Corporate Business Plan
The Strategic Plan guides the County for the next 15 to 20 years. The corporate business plan moves us in the direction of fulfilling the longer-term goals that Council has articulated. Our Corporate Business Plan, Building Today for a Stronger Tomorrow, does just that and identifies the efforts that we will make as an organization over the next three years to create a foundation to advance the Vision and Mission.
Annual Reports