Road Maintenance

Rocky View County is responsible for the maintenance of over 2,400 kilometres of roads, comprised of both hard and gravel surfaces. The annual road maintenance program includes:

Litter Control

Illegal dumping is commonly found in the County’s rural areas, vacant lots and roadside. Most illegal dumping is done to avoid either fees at recycling centres or the time and effort required for proper disposal.

Illegal dumping of residual waste is more than just an annoyance or an inconvenient eyesore; it unnecessarily costs ratepayers money. It is estimated that more than $300,000 is spent annually to remove and dispose of this material.

Area residents are urged to report anyone suspected of illegally dumping waste material using the County’s Report An Issue form or contacting the local RCMP detachment.


Re-chipping replaces the gravel chips that protect the base of a road by acting as a wearing surface. The County’s re-chipping program begins as soon as weather and road conditions permit, typically in late June.

  • Roughly 10 per cent of County roads have a finished topcoat of gravel chips.
  • Roads are re-chipped on a 3-5 year cycle, depending on traffic volume.
  • While crews are re-chipping a road, it remains open for traffic. Motorists should expect delays and reduce speeds whenever approaching road maintenance crews.

Crack Sealing

Crack sealing is a rehabilitation method used to keep excess water or moisture from penetrating asphalt and to prevent further cracking and deterioration of County roads. Crack sealing is scheduled to be completed throughout the summer construction season from approximately June to August of each year.

  • Completed on roads that are least three years old, crack sealing prolongs the lifespan of the asphalt by creating permanent seals.
  • Roads requiring crack-sealing are prioritized on an ongoing basis.
  • Approximately 20,000 square metres of sealant is applied each year.
  • It can be done very quickly and roads can be driven on shortly after sealing is completed, keeping traffic disruptions and closures to a minimum.

Brushing & Mowing

Trees, brush, and grass growing in County road allowances may reduce visibility at intersections, block traffic signs, and create snow drifts. The County completes an annual brushing and mowing program to remove these driver hazards.

  • Brushing locations are selected and scheduled for maintenance based on the County’s Road Brushing Policy and Procedure.  
  • Mowing includes one five foot cut on each side of the roadway. Some areas may receive a second cut in one year.

Spring Sweeping

2024 Street Sweeping Schedule. Spring sweeping removes the loose gravel, mud, and various other materials from County roads which have accumulated over the winter months. The County begins sweeping as soon as weather and road conditions permit, typically in late May and the program runs for four to six weeks.

  • Sweeping on urban roads and rural subdivisions is completed by private contractors and neighbouring municipalities annually.
  • Rural, non-subdivision sweeping is carried out by County-owned road sweeping brooms.
  • Only areas where painted road markings are planned for the upcoming year, or long, uninterrupted stretches of rural pavement receive sweeping by the County.
  • For more information visit: Rocky View County’s 2024 Street Sweeping Schedule | Rocky View County

Culvert Upgrades and Repairs

Culverts serve an important function in the management of water flow in Rocky View. They are typically built under roads, approaches, highways, structures, or pathways to prevent runoff and allow the movement of water underneath.

Rocky View County routinely inspects and repairs damaged culverts. In recent years, Rocky View has upgraded the diameter of select culverts to improve stormwater management and reduce flooding issues in some areas.

While most culverts needing repair or replacement are identified by County maintenance staff, residents can also report a problem if they notice excess water build-up on their property.


Transportation Services

Use the road issue report form to notify us about any current issues or problems or County roads.

Road Updates

Visit the road updates page for timely information on construction, maintenance, snowfall, flooding, or other issues currently affecting County roads.