Bragg Creek FireSmart Committee

Role of Committee

  • Provide feedback to Rocky View County Fire Services on issues related to wildfire threat and community protection within a 10 km zone surrounding the Bragg Creek area
  • Consult with the community on a continuous and ongoing basis to respond to emerging issues and provide information on innovative solutions related to wildfire threats and community protection
  • Develop strategic and operational options to reduce wildfire threats for inclusion in municipal development, natural resource, and forest protection plans
  • Annually review and maintain the Greater Bragg Creek FireSmart Mitigation Strategy as approved by Council
  • Recognize the diverse needs of stakeholders and community members and provide ongoing education regarding the threat of wildfire and actions that can be taken to mitigate the threat
  • Research available funding options for community FireSmart activities

Membership / Term

  • One (1) Councillor
  • A minimum of six (6) Members at Large from the Greater Bragg Creek area for a two (2) year term
  • The Committee is supported by the following resources: one (1) staff member from Rocky View County Fire Services and one (1) staff member from Rocky View County Emergency Management Agency
  • One (1) representative from the Department of Agriculture and Forestry will be invited to attend Committee meetings
  • Additional community members may be appointed to the Committee in a non-voting capacity


  • No less than two meetings per year held at the call of the Chair or as determined by the Committee

Current Members

Member Expiry
L. Breakey 2026
P. Scholz 2025
Councillor Hanson 2025
M. Kamachi 2026
J. Morris 2026
R. Saville 2026


Legislative Services

262075 Rocky View Point
Rocky View County, AB
T4A 0X2

Join a Board or Committee

To apply for a member at large position on a committee or board, submit the Committee Application Form (PDF) along with a current resume.

Vacant positions will be advertised in the local newspaper, and on this website.

Appointment of members to boards and committees takes place at the annual organizational meeting of Council.