Subdivision is a legal process to obtain title to a new parcel of land by dividing larger parcels of land into smaller lots. The time and cost of the subdivision process depends on each application, on factors such as:

  • the type of land you own (your land designation or what your land is zoned as)
  • your level of experience (some Rocky Viewers have never gone through the process before, some have no experience but have hired professional help such as land agents, and surveyors and developers who just need to know what the County’s processes are)
  • the nature of your application (number of lots proposed, servicing, access, etc.)

You can look up your current land use designation on the Rocky View County Atlas, and refer to the Land Use Bylaw [Part 4] (PDF) for the rules covering that use.

The Subdivision Process

This is a general overview of how the subdivision application process works.

Step One: Prepare your Proposal

Review the requirements of subdividing your land, which are listed in each application package (see Forms & Documents, below). Ensure you have read and completed all of the application forms and checklists. If you have a complex proposal, you may want to book a pre-application meeting with the County’s Planning department, or consider hiring a consultant to help you.

Please note that the County charges fees for consultations and applications. View fees (PDF)

While County staff can assist with and process your application, they cannot predict whether your application will be approved or refused by Council.

Step Two: Submit Your Subdivision Application

Prepare and submit your subdivision application to the County’s Planning Services department. Applications should be complete. Incomplete applications may delay the process.

Depending on your application, these are the forms you will need to make your application. We recommend you use the checklist to determine which forms you need to submit.

Subdivision Forms & Documents

How to Submit Your Subdivision Application

You must provide a hard copy AND digital copy (USB or compact disc) of your submission. Applications must be submitted in person.

Please clearly label your submission as:

ATTENTION: Rocky View County Planning Services
Regarding: Subdivision Submission
262075 Rocky View Point
Rocky View County, AB
T4A 0X2

Step Three: The County Circulates Your Application

Your application is circulated through several County departments and government agencies. Agencies may include school divisions, other municipalities, and provincial government agencies such as Alberta Environment. Adjacent landowners are also notified.

All comments will form part of our assessment of your application.

Step Four: The County Evaluates Your Application

County planners will review your application. Planners take many things into consideration such as:

  • County policies and documents
  • Suitability of the site for your requested land use designation
  • The potential impact on the land of your neighbours
  • All of the comments from agencies provided during the circulation step
  • If the land is accessible by a road
  • Stormwater management and drainage
  • Water and wastewater servicing

County staff will also visit the land. A County Planner will then prepare a report to Council and make a recommendation based on the evaluation.

County Council with either approve or refuse your application.

  • If County Council does not approve your application, your file is closed. However, you can appeal the decision through the Subdivision & Development Appeal Board.
  • If County Council does approve your application, with conditions, you will need to remove these conditions. The removal of conditions is known as the endorsement process.


Planning & Development Services
T: 403-520-8158

Other important contacts

Book a Planning Meeting

With this quick and easy form you can book a meeting to discuss subdivision, redesignation, or development projects with a County planner.