How to Apply for a Building Permit
Permit applications are now accepted via myBuild, or in person at our offices in electronic formats such as flash drive or memory stick. Emailed applications are no longer be accepted.
Online - New & Preferred Method: Building and subtrade permit applications can be submitted online through myBuild.
In Person: In person applications can be accepted Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., on a first-come, first-served basis at:
County Hall
Building Services Counter
262075 Rocky View Point
Rocky View County, AB, T4A 0X2
(map & hours)
If submitting applications in person, plans and documents must be submitted in electronic format, such as a flash drive or memory stick.
Permitting Process
The following outlines the general process for permit applications. The processes may differ slightly depending on the type of construction.
- Pre-application consultation: Applicants may arrange a meeting for a fee to discuss their proposed project by scheduling a pre-application meeting with Building Services.
- Application submission: When submitting your application, all forms and required documentation are to be submitted to ensure timely review of your permit applications. Refer to the relevant checklist to assist in completing your application.
- All forms must be filled out in their entirety, including signatures where applicable. All contact information (names, phone numbers, and email addresses) for all owners, contractors and applicants must be provided.
- When submitting applications in person, plans and documents must be submitted in electronic format, such as a flash drive or memory stick.
- Evaluation of application: Within three to four business days, the application will undergo an administrative review and processing. The application is not considered complete until all required information and documents have been submitted.
- Fees: Permit fees will be calculated as part of the administrative review, and must be paid before your application proceeds to a technical review. Learn more about payment options and fee schedules.
- Technical Review: The application will be reviewed for all technical and building code requirements.
- Permit issuance: Depending on the complexity of the project, applications may have a permit issued within three to five business days, or up to 15 business days.
Three to five business days typically includes basement development, decks, fireplace/wood stove, swimming pool/hot tub, kitchen/home renovation, farm building exemption, simple accessory building, simple tent/air-supported structure.
Ten to 15 business days typically includes single family dwelling, move-on dwelling/manufactured home, additions, detached garage and other accessory buildings, accessory dwelling unit/secondary suite, tent/air-supported structure, tenant bay development, commercial/industrial/institutional building.
Once a permit is issued, the County must be notified of any changes. All permits expire one year from the date of issuance.
- Inspections: Safety Codes Officers for all trades and subtrades perform inspections at major phases of construction. It is the responsibility of all property owners and/or agents to be aware of inspection requirements and to schedule inspections at the specified stages of construction. The permit and a current copy of building and relevant subtrade plans must be kept on site and be made available for the inspection.
- Completion: A Permit Services Report stating the closed status of the permit(s) will be sent to the property owner within 30 days of all final inspections being passed.
- Permit renewals (if required): All permits expire one year from the date of issuance. If a permit expires before work has been started, or before all required inspections have been performed and passed, the applicant will be required to renew or reapply for a permit.
Project-Specific Information
Building projects require different applications and processes depending on what is being built. The following list of building projects provides details and instructions specific to each task. Please refer to the Rocky View County Building Permit Checklists and the Safety Codes Council Safety Tips brochures specific to your project.