Agricultural News


Articles for category Agricultural Events

Agriculture Producers Exempt from 2020 Road Ban

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

In an effort to mitigate the impact of a difficult 2019 harvest season, Rocky View County Council has voted on a one-time road ban exemption for agricultural producers.Farmers who need to remove unharvested crops from their fields are asked to contact the County by emailing or Read More...

Cows and Chaos Webinar Series Back in 2020

Thursday, January 30, 2020

The Cows and Chaos - Feed, Forage and Management Strategies webinar series kicks off on January 30, and continues every Thursday until March 19.This edition of the series covers topics producers face in late winter and early spring - from maintaining stored forage to this year’s calving season, and Read More...

New Tools for On-farm Record Keeping in Cow-calf Operations

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Are you curious about which areas of your operation are excelling? Or which areas of your operation might need some work? Are you interested in record keeping but not sure where to start?Successful farm management begins with accurate and up to date records. The process of record keeping allows the Read More...

Tax Credit for 2019 Tax Year Open to Canola Farmers in Alberta

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Canola growers in Alberta that do not request a refund of their check off from the Alberta Canola Producers Commission qualify for a tax credit for the 2019 tax year.The Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax credit allows canola growers to claim the tax credit for that portion Read More...

Fit to Farm: These are Stressful Times

Thursday, January 30, 2020

We live in a stressful world. It’s no surprise that many of us are dealing with high levels of anxiety, stress and pain on a regular basis. Often we are unaware of how much just our “normal” days affect our primal nervous systems — to the point where we consider the side-effects of our lifestyles Read More...

Vision for Student Learning Engagement

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Provide your input on the draft ministerial order on student learning to help shape the direction of education by February 24, 2020. Survey

Alberta Ag Detects PED

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Government officials have found remnants of the porcine epidemic diarrhea (PED) virus in Alberta.On Jan. 22, staff at Alberta Agriculture and Forestry’s lab in Edmonton detected a “weak positive sample” that was collected through an environmental surveillance program. Full Article Read More...

Are you Prepared to Deal with Tougher Times on Your Farm?

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Know your current ratio, honestly estimate your gross revenue, and be ready to talk to your lender, says adviser.After a decade of generally strong prices and yields, back-to-back poor harvests and lower prices coupled with high expenses are squeezing many producers. In order to build a profitable Read More...

Making Environmental Stewardship Pay in Many Different Ways

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Environmental stewardship award honours southern Alberta ranchers who pride themselves on conservation.Deer Creek Livestock Co.’s land has changed a lot in the past nine years as the grassland has improved, the wildlife has increased, and the stocking rates have gone up.It’s the combination of Read More...

Scotts Canada Launches 2020 ‘Gro for Good’ Grants Initiative

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Scotts Canada Limited proudly announces the 2020 edition of the Gro for good program to keep the spirit of community and connection to nature alive in Canada. The program provides grants to deserving communities, schools and non-profit organizations seeking to develop sustainable community gardens Read More...

Transportation Regulations are Changing

Thursday, January 30, 2020

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency will start phasing in its enforcement of Canada’s revised livestock transportation regulations on February 20. One of the most significant changes for cattle transporters is a reduction in the maximum time in transit before cattle must be off-loaded for feed, Read More...

Changes to Application Acceptance for the CAP Environmental Stewardship & Climate Change Program

Thursday, January 30, 2020

The Canadian Agricultural Partnership (CAP) is now accepting applications on a continual basis which means there are no more intake periods. Applications received will now be on a first come first serve basis throughout the course of the program. This is the case for both the Producer and Group Read More...

Jumpingpound Creek Winter Watershed Workshop

Thursday, January 30, 2020

The Jumpingpound Creek Watershed Partnership (JCWP) is working to implement riparian projects that benefit Jumpingpound Creek and its tributaries. Projects aim to improve riparian function, streambank stability, and water quality. In April 2020, JCWP will apply bioengineering techniques to stabilize Read More...

Basics of Agricultural Beekeeping Workshop

Thursday, January 30, 2020

On February 29, join Kneehill County for an 8-hour introduction course which will help orient you to the world of responsible beekeeping, the logistics of beekeeping throughout the seasons, and the equipment you'll need to keep your hive healthy and viable. More Information and Registration Read More...

First Annual Winter Open Farm Days

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Alberta Open Farm Days is about farmers and ranchers inviting their urban and rural neighbors to stop in for a visit to share stories, see demonstrations, and learn more about the farmers who grow their food. This will be the first annual Winter Open Farm Days event (Dec. 14-15). More information Read More...

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