Archive: February 2022
Monday, February 28, 2022
A couple simple ideas to find calves during a hectic time of year.Full Article
Monday, February 28, 2022
Research that’s underway now won’t solve this year’s drought, but it should help us deal with the next one. By the same token, research done during the big drought of the early 2000s provides some valuable lessons about managing the cow herd in today’s drought.Learn more about the research and Read More...
Monday, February 28, 2022
The industry recommendation for calving season length is 63 days for cows and 42 days for heifers. This shines light on breeding management beyond a pregnancy rate. While high pregnancy rate is desired, there are potential economic losses if producers don’t have 60% of their cows calving in the Read More...
Monday, February 28, 2022
In this month’s edition: Coordinator’s Note- Kayla Minor Management can boost pasture production by 80 per cent ‘Messy’ fields may help bottom line Revamping carbon credits could boost regenerative agriculture Managing salinity with foragesClick here for your February Newsletter Read More...
Monday, February 28, 2022
Livestreamed from the McLellan Arena on the Olds College campus, the evening program on April 8th will feature performances by Alberta-bred, Nashville-based country music star Aaron Goodvin, and will showcase upcoming projects and innovations taking place at the College that will impact the future Read More...
Monday, February 28, 2022
The economic cost of Johne’s disease can be significant due to reduced weaning weights, later breeding, and losing or culling cows before they have recouped their production costs. Testing is challenging but can be a tactic to prevent these losses. This webinar on March 16th will provide insight Read More...