Property assessment is the process of placing a dollar value on property for taxation purposes and is governed by Provincial Legislation.
The following are a few frequently asked questions about property assessment.
What is my property assessment based on?
The assessment and taxation process is governed by provincial legislation; your property assessment is based on July 1 of the previous year's market value estimate, as measured by the real estate marketplace (i.e. property sales).
Farmland, industrial machinery and equipment, and linear property are assessed using a process regulated by Alberta Municipal Affairs rather than by market value. For information on the assessment of farmland, or industrial machinery and equipment, contact the County. For information on the assessment of linear property, contact the linear property assessment branch of the Government of Alberta at 780.422.1377.
Assessment Inspections
As required under the Alberta Municipal Government Act, County assessors collect and update information regarding your property to ensure fair and accurate assessments. Assessors conduct site inspections annually to update property assessments. Inspections start early in the year and run until the end of each year. Inspections may include measuring buildings, photographing exteriors, and gathering details regarding interior components and use of the property.
Inspections for your property may occur if there has been a recent building permit issued or a physical change, if your property has recently been purchased or sold, or if your property is in our annual re-inspection area.
Resident Request for Information
Residential request for information surveys are sent out each year to select areas within the County. These surveys supplement assessment site inspections and are an alternative way for the County to collect assessment information. Surveys can be completed online, by hand, or over the phone.
How do I know my property assessment (market value) is accurate?
Your property characteristics are measured against other properties that have sold, in order to calculate a market value. Characteristics such as location, age, size and others are all considered.
What if I have questions about my property assessment?
After receiving an Assessment Notice, a property owner may discuss and review their property assessment with an Assessor. Assessors are available by phone and on-site at the Main Administration Office during regular office hours. The Assessment Roll is open for viewing all year. In addition, individual assessments can be viewed by using the assessment roll search tool.
If I don’t agree with my property assessment, what can I do?
If, after having discussed your assessment with an assessor, you are still of the opinion that your assessment is incorrect, you may file a written complaint to the Assessment Review Board.