Properties in Rocky View County are classified as either residential, non-residential, farmland, linear, or machinery & equipment. Some properties have more than one class. The sub-classes of property are detailed below. When reviewing your assessment, you should check the classification of your property to ensure that it is properly described.
Residential Properties
Residential properties are assessed at market value, as of July 1. Market value is determined by analyzing the sales of all property types throughout the County. Mass appraisal techniques are used in this valuation process. Since assessment reflects mid-range sale values, the assessment may be slightly higher or lower than an actual sale price on a particular property. The Alberta Provincial Government regulates that the assessment ratio, the ratio of the assessment to an indicator of market value for a property, for all residential properties be 95 to 105 per cent for the median assessment ratio.
Farmland is assessed on the ability of land to produce agricultural products. The current Minister’s Guidelines in conjunction with the Alberta Farmland Assessment Manual has been utilized to prepare farmland assessments.
Non-Residential Properties
The Non-Residential category of property refers to industrial and commercial operations, such as industrial plants, gravel pit operations, service stations, meat processing facilities, stores, etc. Properties that have a multi-purpose use, such as a commercial business operating from a residential acreage, would have the commercial portion of the assessment classed as non-residential. Non-residential land, buildings and structures are assessed at market value as of July 1 of the year preceding the tax year.
Machinery and Equipment
Machinery and Equipment (M&E) that is used for processing or manufacturing is assessed at the stipulated regulatory level as per the current Minister's Guidelines. This category includes properties such as gas plants, gas and oilfield installations, manufacturing facilities, etc.
Linear Properties
Linear properties include electric transmissions lines, telephone and telecommunications equipment, oil and gas wells, pipelines, towers, power generation and cable. Linear property is assessed by provincial assessors using regulated rates and depreciation schedules which apply specifically to this property.
Farm Properties
Farm properties often contain several assessment classes. If the property contains a residence, then the residence along with the first 3.00 acres will be assessed at market value, as if it were a 3.00 acre subdivided parcel. These values are classified as residential on your notice. If there is a commercial or industrial operation on the property, all buildings and improvements and the land area used for the operation will be assessed at market value. These values will be classified as non-residential. If there is M&E used in these operations, the M&E will be assessed based on regulated rates and the assessment will be classified as M&E. The farmland is valued based on regulated agricultural values and is classified as farmland. Farm buildings are exempt from assessment and taxation to the extent that they are used for farming purposes.