Agroclimate Impact Reporter Survey
Friday, July 9, 2021
With unprecedented extreme heat and drought conditions continuing to expand in Alberta’s agriculture regions, it is very important to gather information from producers, producer groups, and the agricultural industry on how the weather is impacting their farms. The survey will take only 5 minutes and provide Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada with exceptional information to assist with planning, programs, and policy development.
The Agroclimate Impact Reporter (AIR) network is an ever-growing database of agroclimate impacts, which enables better data analysis to help identify trends and anomalies.
The AIR survey is open during the last week of the month over the growing season (April to October) and is intended to collect weather and climate impacts on farm operations across Canada over the previous month. Survey results are made into maps and published on the Drought Watch website the first week of every month during the growing season.
When the survey is not open, a report is available for reporting on late-breaking, one-time or interim impacts.
Visit the AIR website for more information and to subscribe to the mailing list.
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