Agricultural News


Langdon Waste Cart Collection Blitz

The County is conducting a blitz in Langdon this month to remind residents of their responsibility to ensure garbage and recycling carts are placed correctly at the curb and not overfilled on collection day. The Langdon Waste Collection Bylaw (PDF) requires that carts are placed at least one metre apart and lids are fully closed. Failure to comply with the bylaw could result in a cart being tagged and its contents not collected.

Here are some ways to better manage your weekly garbage:

  • Make sure you’re sorting your waste correctly into the black, blue, and green carts. See the list of what goes where
  • Set your black and blue carts out weekly for pick up. Even if your cart is only half full, it’s better to set out a half-full cart than an overflowing one.
  • Extra garbage can be taken to the Langdon Transfer Site for $3 per bag. Extra recyclables and yard waste are accepted free of charge. There is also a new donation shed to drop off your unwanted textiles and small household items.
  • If you regularly have more weekly garbage than space in your cart, you can upsize to a larger one. You’ll pay a one-time $50 cart-change fee, then about an extra $1 per week for collection. Request a larger cart

In addition to violating the bylaw, overfilling waste carts increases collection costs for everyone in Langdon, increases the risk of litter in the neighbourhood, and can make your garbage more attractive to animals.

We thank Langdon residents for their co-operation in reducing waste and keeping cart lids fully closed on collection day.

Posted in: Garbage & Recycling Langdon News & Updates