Marketing Council Chair Encourages Beef Producers to Vote in Upcoming Plebiscite
Monday, October 22, 2018
From October 19 to November 13, 2018, beef producers in Alberta will have the opportunity to vote on the service charge model used by the Alberta Beef Producers (ABP). All cattle farmers pay the commission a $2.00 provincial service charge on each animal sold. The service charges fund research and marketing on behalf of the industry. Currently, producers can request a full or partial refund of their service charge from the ABP.
The Alberta Agricultural Products Marketing Council, the Alberta government agency that oversees the ABP, has announced a plebiscite to gauge producers’ opinion on staying with the current refundable model, or adopting a non-refundable model, where ABP would retain the $2.00 provincial service charge. Those who have paid a service charge within two years of the start of the vote may be eligible to cast their ballot.
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