Agricultural News


Funding Still Available for Alberta Agriculture Funding Programs

Funding is still available for the Farm Energy and Agri-Processing (FEAP) and the On-Farm Solar Photovoltaics (OFSPV) programs offered by Alberta Agriculture for the 2018-19 year.

The Farm Energy and Agri-Processing Program shares costs with the agriculture and agri-processing sector on energy efficiency investments. The program is designed to encourage energy management which will result in cost savings, energy conservation, and ultimately, reduced greenhouse gas emissions.

The On-Farm Solar Photovoltaics is available to any Alberta resident with a distribution rate class of farm, irrigation, grain drying or equivalent. To be eligible for funding a photovoltaic system must be: grid-tied, not off-grid: approved under Alberta's Micro-Generation Legislation; positioned to optimize sunshine and minimize shading; have manufacturer-warranties on: solar modules, racking, inverters and/or micro-inverters, and installed on a Site ID that has a distribution rate class of Farm, Irrigation, Grain Drying, or equivalent.

Posted in: Agriculture