Land Use Bylaw Amendment


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At the January 16, 2024 Governance Committee Meeting, Administration proposed amendments to Land Use Bylaw C-8000-2020 regarding setback variances on existing buildings and community entrance signs.

Following direction from the Governance Committee, Administration is recommending adding a section to the Land Use Bylaw that would exempt development permit requirements for existing buildings requiring variances, subject to criteria, and exempting development permit requirements for community entrance signs, subject to criteria.

These amendments will be presented for the consideration of Council at Public Hearing on May 14, 2023.

Real Property Report (RPR) Variances

As part of a real estate transaction, the County is frequently requested to provide a certificate of compliance to confirm that the parcel aligns with rules set out within the Land Use Bylaw. In some cases, during RPR compliance reviews, it was discovered that structures have been built or placed in error to what is allowed in the Land Use Bylaw, and therefore require a development permit to allow for a setback relaxation.

Administration proposes to grant such a setback variance to allow the landowner to gain compliance without the need to submit a development permit application, provided the setback variance does not impact safety, fire separation, servicing, utility rights, corner visibility triangles, or access to parcels.

Administration recommends the introduction of regulations to the Land Use Bylaw that would exempt minor property line setback variances identified for existing development through RPR compliance reviews from requiring a development permit. It is suggested that the degree of variance allowed could be scaled according to the type of development, for example, whether it is a minor structure or principal dwelling, and the context of the property.

Community Entrance Signs

A Community Entrance Sign, typically proposed as part of a new subdivision and an ‘entrance feature’ by the developer, is currently regulated under the ‘Freestanding Signs’ definition in the Land Use Bylaw and a development permit is required. However, a Community Entrance Sign location can also be proposed and approved under the terms and conditions associated with a Development Agreement.

Therefore, to allow a developer to move forward with constructing Community Entrance Signs, this type of sign is recommended to be specifically defined and exempted from a development permit requirement within the Land Use Bylaw. For an exemption to be allowed, it is proposed that such signs would need to comply with the adopted conceptual scheme and architectural guidelines in relation to the new community and would need to be located on private land with no conflict with any utility rights of way.

Previous Information

Care Facility (Group) Use – Land Use Bylaw C-8000-2020

At the March 12, 2024 Council Meeting, Council approved Bylaw C-8500-2024 to amend Land Use Bylaw C-8000-2020, that would remove the ability to apply for a new Care Facility (Group) use on agricultural or residential parcels. Council also approved the addition of a section to the Land Use Bylaw C-8000-2020 requiring that the following applications be determined by Council, as Development Authority, in agricultural or residential districts:

  • Renewal of any existing Care Facility (Group) temporary development permit.
  • Any development permit applications for a new Care Facility (Group) that are already in process and where a Notice of Decision has not been issued.

You can view the Council Meeting here.

Get Involved

There are several ways to get involved in this project.

  • Contact the County's Planning and Development team at, or call 403-230-1401 for questions, updates, or further information.
  • Follow the project on this webpage. We will post updates and upcoming events.

