Regional Off-Site Levy Bylaw Updates

Updates to the Regional Off-Site Levy Bylaws: 

At the January 7, 2025 Council meeting, Council voted to refer new proposed Community Recreation Off-Site Bylaw C-8550-2024 back to Administration to compile amendments received from Council and return to Council for consideration no later than the end of Q1 without any further public engagement or public hearings. Council date to be determined. 

For more information on Council’s direction visit Council Meeting - January 07, 2025 

The current offsite bylaw updates presented to Council on January 7, 2025 were passed. Click here to read the minutes or watch the Council meeting.  

Council voted to approve amended Bylaw C-8547-2024 intended to amend Regional Stormwater Off-Site Levy Bylaw C-8008-2020, including updates to schedules based on levies collected since the last bylaw, infrastructure expansion costs and accommodation for inflation, and new schedules to capture the internal infrastructure to support the Janet, Langdon, and Conrich areas. Bylaw C-8547-2024 will be effective April 30, 2025.  

Council voted to approve amended Bylaw C-8548-2024 intended to amend Regional Water and Wastewater Off-Site Levy Bylaw C-8009-2020, including an adjustment of the capacity committed to date and a recalculation of the rates for the water and wastewater system. Bylaw C-8548-2024 will be effective April 30, 2025.  

Council voted to approve amended Bylaw C-8549-2024 intended to amend Regional Transportation Off-Site Levy Bylaw C-8007-2020, including Administration amendments and schedule updates to include a bridge location map for clarity, correction on some of the boundary roads that resulted in an overall reduction in the kilometres of road, and subsequent adjustment of the base levy rates. Council approved an additional amendment, to change the effective date of Bylaw C-8549-2024 from April 30, 2025 to January 31, 2026.  

What is an Off-Site Levy Bylaw 

The Levy Bylaws provide for the fair and equitable collection of off-site levies related to regional infrastructure in accordance with the Municipal Government Act. An Off-Site Levy is imposed as a condition of subdivision approval or the issuance of Development Permits. 

Previous Information

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Should you have any questions or require additional information about the Regional Off-Site Levy Bylaw updates, please contact Capital & Engineering Services at 403-230-1401, or


Capital & Engineering Services
T: 403.230.1401