Rocky View County Enhances Development Permit Notification Process
Wednesday, May 31, 2023
In response to resident feed back and recent strategic planning reviews, the County has implemented a significant service improvement related to the approval and notification process for Development Permits. This service update will provide a clearer process and greater access to information for the public to obtain documents related to development permit decisions.
As of May 30, 2023, copies of all development permit Notice of Decision (with attached conditions) for approvals within the appeal period, will be accessible online through the County website at
Further information related to a Development Permit can also be requested through or by calling 403.230.1401.
In addition to facilitating greater access to development permit decisions, the County will continue to assess how it can provide better access to both planning and development applications prior to decisions being made on these files, continuing to work towards providing a higher degree of customer services across the board in alignment with Council’s Strategic Objective of enhancing transparency and communication.
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