County Approves Tax Rate Bylaws
Wednesday, April 27, 2022
Today, Council approved the 2022 Municipal Tax Rate Bylaw, Langdon Special Recreation Tax, and the Country Lane Estates Local Improvement Tax. These tax rates are reflective of the County’s approved 2022 Operating and Capital Budget.
The 2022 municipal tax rate equates the amount of property tax revenue that is required to pay for the services provided by the County.
“This year’s budget and tax rate demonstrates that we are not without our challenges and must react to maintain service levels amid rising costs outside of our control,” says County Mayor Don Kochan. “While we understand any increase may be challenging for residents and business owners, we believe this is a responsible decision that allows us to deliver on our commitments now and into the future.”
Actual property taxes are dependent upon whether there is an increase or decrease to the property’s most recent assessed value.
To learn more, visit the County’s Understanding Your Property Taxes webpage.
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Tax & Assessment
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