
Council Decisions: May 14

Here is a summary of the decisions of Rocky View County Council at the May 14, 2024 Council Meeting. This is a general overview of decisions only. Details of the agenda items can be found in the meeting’s agenda and details on the specifics of the decisions can be found in the minutes of this meeting, both on the Meetings & Hearings page. Details are also available by contacting Legislative Services at the County. 

General Business

  • Council voted to direct Administration to defer the installation of new infrastructure, water, and wastewater local improvement at Meadow Ridge Road in the Conrich Estates subdivision. Council also directed Administration to explore other options for expanding water and wastewater services in the Conrich area, with a report to be brought back to Council by the end of Q3 2024.
  • Council voted to receive the update for Implementation of Policy C-327 (Circulation and Notification Standards) Amendments report as information.
  • Council approved the appointment of Neal LaMontagne to the position of Chair of the Greater Bragg Creek Area Structure Plan (ASP) Hamlet Review Visioning Committee. Council also approved the appointment of Baruch Laskin, Terri-Lynn Dugue, Clint Docken, Renee Delorme, Ian Greenhalgh, Lindsay Kindrat, Tijs Overmars, and Shannon Bailey, to be Members of the Bragg Creek ASP Hamlet Review Visioning Committee.
  • Council approved the appointment of Roc Spence and Bradley Wanchulak to the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board and Enforcement Appeal Committee for a 3.5-year term to end at Council’s 2027 Organizational Meeting.
  • Council voted to approve a motion first read into the record on May 14, 2024 asking Council to rescind the resolution adopted at the April 23, 2024 Council meeting that Council be the Development Authority for any development permit applications on Business, Live-Work District land use, and that Council be the Development Authority for development applications for the following uses within the Business, Live-Work District land use district:
    • Accessory Building > 150.00 m2 (1614.59 ft2)
    • Automotive Services (Minor)
    • Automotive Services (Major)
    • Care Facility (Child)
    • Care Facility (Clinic)
    • Care Facility (Group)
    • Home-Based Business (Type II)
    • Industrial (Light)
    • Industrial (Medium)
    • Kennel
    • Outdoor Storage
    • Special Function Business

This item will be considered at the May 28, 2024 Council meeting.

Planning and Development

  • Division 6 – File: PL20220194 (04204004), Bylaw C-8529-2024, Redesignation Item: To assess the redesignation of a ± 16.48 hectare (± 40.72 acre) portion of the subject lands from Agricultural General District to Residential, Rural District to facilitate future subdivision of nine lots ranging from ± 1.65 hectares (± 4.07 acres) to ± 1.92 hectares (± 4.75 acres) from the existing 51.97 hectare (128.42 acre) parcel. Considered under the County Plan. Refused.
  • Division 6 – File: PL20210142 (03323017), Bylaw C-8516-2024, Redesignation Item: To assess the redesignation of Block 7, Plan 7410605 within NW-23-23-28-W04M from Agricultural, Small Parcel District (p8.1) to Business, Live Work District to accommodate the future expansion of the landowner’s excavating business. Considered under the Calgary Metropolitan Region Growth Plan. Approved.
  • Division 3 – File: PL20210120 and PL20210121 (05618459), Bylaw C-8524-2024 and Bylaw C-8525-2024, Local Plan Amendment and Redesignation Item: To assess the proposed Watermark at Bearspaw Conceptual Scheme amendment and the redesignation of Lot 4, Block 1, Plan 1712232 within SE-18-25-02-W05M. PL20210120: To amend the Watermark at Bearspaw Conceptual Scheme by inserting Appendix 9 to provide a policy framework to guide future subdivision and development of Lot 4, Block 1, Plan 1712232 within SE-18-25-02-W05M. PL20210121: To redesignate Lot 4, Block 1, Plan 1712232 within SE-18-25-02-W05M from Residential, Rural District (p4.0) to Direct Control District to facilitate future subdivision. Considered under the Bearspaw Area Structure Plan, the Watermark at Bearspaw Conceptual Scheme, and the Calgary Metropolitan Region Growth Plan. Council voted to refer the applications back to Administration to work with the Applicant to address several concerns and then bring back the revised applications to a Public Hearing within four months.
  • Council voted to approve Bylaw C-8530-2024 to provide amendments to Land Use Bylaw C-8000-2020 that will exempt development permit requirements for existing buildings requiring minor property line setback variances of up to 5% subject to criteria, and to add Community Entrance Sign as a use and to exempt development permit requirements for the use, also subject to criteria.
  • Division 6 – File: PL20200150/PL20200151 (05306001/05306005), Bylaw C-8476-2024 and Bylaw C-8477-2024, Local Plan and Redesignation Item: To further assess the revised Bridge Industrial Park Conceptual Scheme and Redesignation applications which were previously presented to Council. PL20200150: To adopt the Bridge Industrial Park Conceptual Scheme, which provides a policy framework to guide future industrial development on the subject lands. PL20200151: To redesignate a portion of the subject lands from Agricultural, General District and Agricultural, Small Parcel District (p8.1) to Industrial, Light District, Special, Public Service District, Special, Natural Open Space District, and Special, Parks and Recreation District to facilitate the development of a full-service industrial park. Considered under the Conrich Area Structure Plan. Approved.

Closed Session

  • Council moved into a closed session to consider the confidential item “Rodeo Ridge Community - Ownership of Private Road Units” under Sections 24 and 27 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Council moved back into the public session and directed Administration to proceed with the mandate outlined in Option 2 as discussed in confidential report RVC2024-11.
  • Council moved into a closed session to consider the confidential item “Recreation Facility Governance and Ownership” under Sections 21, 24, and 25 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Council moved back into the public session and directed Administration to proceed with confidential Option 1 as discussed during the closed session for RVC2024-19.
  • Council moved into a closed session to consider the confidential item “CAO Hiring Process” under Sections 17, 19, and 24 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Council moved back into the public session and authorized the Reeve, in collaboration with the Executive Search Consultants, to immediately enter into contractual negotiations with the preferred candidate as outlined in the May 14 Council Closed Session. Council then approved the appointment of Byron Riemann as acting CAO commencing May 24, 2024, until a new permanent CAO has assumed the position.

Posted in: Council

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