
Council Approves 2023 Master Rates

Rocky View County Council has approved the 2023 Master Rates Bylaw that outlines the fees the County charges for services. The new fee schedule comes into effect on April 1, 2023.

All County fees are reviewed annually, as part of the budget process, and adjusted as needed to recover costs or allow for updated or new services. Rate adjustments for 2023 were carefully considered and only applied where service delivery costs have changed.

“The new rates structure will allow us to continue to provide high-quality municipal services to our residents while maintaining a fiscally responsible approach," says Rocky View County Mayor Crystal Kissel.

Within the approved 2023 Master Rates Bylaw, some updates include:

  • A $500 application fee credit to applicants who have previously paid for a pre-application meeting.
  • Updates to several of the Planning Services fees to reflect the enhanced services that Planning staff offer related to applications.
  • Simplified and reduced Building Permit fee for residential construction projects over 6,458 sq ft.
  • Reinstated penalty fees for occupying a building before a safety codes officer has granted occupancy
  • Re-aligned and re-categorized fees within the Cemeteries category, in addition to adding names of cemeteries for clarity.
  • Removal of a fee charged for audio or video recording of a council, committee, or board meeting as this information is available electronically at no cost.
  • Increase of 10% to various utilities fees, which will allow Utility Services to move forward towards its strategy of full cost recovery for its water, wastewater, and solid waste services.
  • Increase of $2 for monthly green cart fees in Langdon to align with increased costs to haul and process the materials.

Under the Municipal Government Act, the fees and charges within the Master Rates Bylaw are collected by local governments to cover the cost of the services provided, such as waste collection, water supply, and maintenance of public spaces.

The complete 2023 Master Rates Bylaw and fee schedule is available on the County website. The 2023 Master Rates presentation made during the March 28 Council Meeting can be viewed on the County's Meetings and Hearings webpage.

Posted in: Council Media Releases Council News

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