Council Decisions: December 3, 2024
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
Here is a summary of the decisions of Rocky View County Council at the December 3, 2024 Council Meeting. This is a general overview of decisions only. Details of the agenda items can be found in the meeting’s agenda and details on the specifics of the decisions can be found in the minutes of this meeting, both on the Meetings & Hearings page. Details are also available by contacting Legislative Services at the County
General Business
Council voted to approve a budget adjustment for $100,000 from the Tax Stabilization Reserve to complete detailed engineering required for Langdon Park improvement plan. This plan will include additional survey and engineering review of the existing park conditions and downstream infrastructure to provide a comprehensive master Stormwater Management Plan, downstream impact assessment, detailed engineering design, and more accurate cost estimate.
Council voted to approve Litter Bylaw C-8565-2024 intended to amend existing Litter Bylaw C-5754-2003 to reflect best practices, current legislation, and County needs, including removal of redundant sections covered by other County bylaws, addition of new sections that address reoccurring issues, updating language and strengthening of definitions to increase clarity, and updating the minimum and specified penalties.
Council voted to approve Bylaw C-8599-2024 intended to amend Council Code of Conduct Bylaw C-8288-2022 to only allow current Rocky View County Councillors to file formal complaints under the Bylaw.
Planning and Development
Division 3 – File: PL20240090 (06827166), Bylaw C-8594-2024, Direct Control Amendment Item: To assess a site-specific amendment to Direct Control Bylaw C-4499-1995 (DC-36) to allow the existing attached deck to have a minimum rear yard setback of 7.83 metres (25.69ft) instead of the required 8.00 metres (26.25 ft) on the subject lands. The proposed site-specific amendment represents a 2.13% reduction in the rear yard setback requirement for the existing attached deck. Considered under the Calgary Metropolitan Region Board Growth Plan, the Cochrane Lake Hamlet Plan Area Structure Plan, and the Cochrane Lake Conceptual Scheme. Approved.
Division 3 – File: PL20240134 (06827184), Bylaw C-8580-2024, Direct Control Amendment Item: To assess a site-specific amendment to Direct Control Bylaw C-4499-1995 (DC-36) to allow the existing attached deck to have a minimum rear yard setback of 6.65 metres (21.82 ft) instead of the required 8.00 metres (26.25 ft) on the subject lands. The proposed site-specific amendment represents a 16.88% reduction in the rear yard setback requirement for the existing attached deck. Considered under the Calgary Metropolitan Region Board Growth Plan, the Cochrane Lake Hamlet Plan Area Structure Plan, and the Cochrane Lake Conceptual Scheme. Approved.
Division 5 – File: PL20240146 (07505006), Bylaw C-8589-2024, Redesignation Item: To assess the redesignation of the portion of the subject lands from Agricultural General District to Agriculture, Small Parcel District (p.8.1) to facilitate future subdivision of one ±8.10 hectare (±20.01 acre) lot. Considered under the County Plan. Approved.
Division 3 – File: PL20200066/PL20200067 (06915001/4001/4002), Bylaw C-8590-2024, Local Plan and Redesignation Item: To assess the proposed West Cochrane #2 Gravel Pit Master Site Development Plan and redesignation of the subject lands, which total ± 123.631 hectares (± 305.50 acres). PL20200067: To approve the West Cochrane #2 Gravel Pit Master Site Development Plan, which provides a non-statutory policy framework to guide and evaluate aggregate extraction on the site. PL20200066: To redesignate ± 123.631 hectares (± 305.50 acres) from Agricultural, General District to Direct Control District to accommodate aggregate extraction operations. Considered under the South Saskatchewan Regional Plan, and the Calgary Metropolitan Region Growth Plan. Council voted to refer Applications PL20200067/PL20200066 back to Administration until Council has rendered a decision on the Aggregate Resource Plan, or until Q3 of 2025, whichever comes first.
Division 7 – File: PL20240097 (03215004), Subdivision Item: To assess a proposed subdivision of the subject land in order to create 99 residential lots, 2 public utility lots, and 2 municipal reserve lots on ± 8.60 hectares (± 21.25 acres) of the subject land for Bridges of Langdon Phase 4. Considered under the Langdon Area Structure Plan, and the Bridges of Langdon Conceptual Scheme. Approved as amended.
Division 2 – File: PL20240103 (04618003), Subdivision Item: To assess subdivision of the subject lands to create a ± 1.853 hectare (± 4.58 acre) parcel (Lot 1) with a ±4.686 hectare (± 11.58 acre) remainder. Considered under the Central Springbank Area Structure Plan. Approved as amended.
Division 3 – File: PL20240019 (06812014), Subdivision Item: To assess a proposed subdivision of Block 13, Plan 8185 JK to create two ±1.62 hectare (±4.00 acre) parcels with a ±3.92 hectare (±9.70 acre) remainder. Considered under the Rocky View County/Town of Cochrane Intermunicipal Development Plan, and the Bearspaw Area Structure Plan. Approved as amended.
Council voted to approve a motion first read into the record on December 3, 2024, requesting Council rescind the October 16, 2024 resolution that Council refer the Conrich Area Structure Plan Future Policy Amendments back to Administration to work in concert with the full Conrich Area Structure Plan review, inclusive of the feedback received at the October 16, 2024 special Council meeting, including specific density requirements as prescribed by the Regional Growth Plan, and that the Conrich Area Structure Plan Future Policy Amendments be brought back to Council when Administration brings forward the full Conrich Area Structure Plan to Council for its consideration.
This motion also directs Administration to amend the draft Conrich Area Structure Plan Future Policy Area amendments to incorporate feedback that was heard at the October 16, 2024 Public Hearing, especially with respect to the phasing strategy, long-term development area, and distribution of residential densities throughout the Future Policy Area, to be presented to Council by no later than end of Q2, 2025.
This item will be debated at the December 10, 2024 Council meeting.
Closed Session
Council moved into a closed session to consider the confidential item “Prairie Gateway Deal Agreement Update” under Sections 21 and 24 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP). Council moved back into the public session with no follow-up action.
Council moved into a closed session to consider the confidential item “Calgary Metropolitan Region Board Announcement Discussion” under Sections 21 and 24 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP). Council moved back into the public session with no follow up action.
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Council News