
Council Decisions: November 26, 2024

Here is a summary of the decisions of Rocky View County Council at the November 26, 2024 Council Meeting. This is a general overview of decisions only. Details of the agenda items can be found in the meeting’s agenda and details on the specifics of the decisions can be found in the minutes of this meeting, both on the Meetings & Hearings page. Details are also available by contacting Legislative Services at the County.

Planning and Development

Division 3 – File: PL20240071 (10013172), Bylaw C-8585-2024, Direct Control Amendment Item: To assess the proposed site-specific amendment to Direct Control Bylaw C-6586-2007 (DC-123) to allow the existing detached garage to have a minimum side yard setback of 2.16 metres (7.09 feet) instead of the current required 2.4 metres (7.87 feet) on the subject lands. Considered under the Municipal District of Bighorn/Rocky View County Intermunicipal Development Plan, and the CottageClub Ghost Lake Conceptual Scheme. Approved.

Division 3 – File: PL20240128 (10013317), Bylaw C-8584-2024, Direct Control Amendment Item: To assess the proposed site-specific amendment to the Direct Control Bylaw C-6586-2007 (DC-123) to allow the existing detached garage and covered decks to have a minimum front yard setback of 1.57 metres (5.15 feet), and minimum side yard setbacks of 2.38 metres (7.80 feet) and 2.35 metres (7.70 feet) instead of the current required 2.4 metres (7.87 feet) on the subject lands. Considered under the Municipal District of Bighorn/Rocky View County Intermunicipal Development Plan, and the CottageClub Ghost Lake Conceptual Scheme. Approved.

Division 5 – File: PL20240004 (06410068), Bylaw C-8512-2024, Direct Control Amendment Item: To assess a site-specific amendment to Direct Control District 99 for Lot 1, Block 6, Plan 161 1467 within NW-10-26-29-W4M to allow a reduced setback on the northern side yard to 3.00 metres from 10.00 metres (70% variance); the rear yard setback to 3.00 metres from 10.00 metres (70%); and the southern side yard to 6.00 metres from 10.00 metres (40% variance). The stated purpose of the request is to allow the building locations on the north and south and for rear outdoor storage, and to maximize outdoor storage space on the east side. Considered under the Balzac East Area Structure Plan, and the Balzac Commercial Campus Conceptual Scheme. Approved.

Council voted to direct Administration to prepare a Terms of Reference and budget request for a review of the OMNI Area Structure Plan, by the end of Q1, 2025.

Closed Session

Council moved into a closed session to consider the confidential item “Update to Sell County Lands – Cochrane Gravel Pit” under Sections 24 and 25 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP). Council moved back into the public session, and directed Administration to proceed with Mandate #1 as discussed in confidential report RVC-2024-41.

Council moved into a closed session to consider the confidential item “Council Code of Conduct Complaints - Final Reports from the Complaints Adjudicator” under Section 17, 23 and 24 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP). Council moved back into the public session and approved the following resolution:

WHEREAS Rocky View County Council is committed to fostering a respectful, inclusive, and supportive work environment for all employees;

AND WHEREAS any form of harassment, intimidation, or public criticism can adversely affect the well-being and performance of employees;


  1. Rocky View County Council apologizes to any employee who feels they may have been subjected to harassment, intimidation, or criticism from a Council member;
  2. Rocky View County Council reaffirms its commitment to uphold a workplace culture based on mutual respect, dignity, and professionalism; and
  3. A review of relevant policies and procedures will be conducted to ensure they are effective and aligned with best practices.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT this resolution be communicated to all municipal employees as a demonstration of Rocky View County Council's commitment to their well-being and performance.

Council additionally voted to direct Administration to:

  • Bring forward amendments to the Council Code of Conduct (Bylaw C-8388-2022) at the December 3, 2025 Council Meeting to only allow current Rocky View County Councillors to file formal complaints under the Bylaw; and
  • Work with the Complaints Adjudicator to review and bring forward recommended amendments to the Council Code of Conduct (Bylaw C-8388-2022) and return to Council with a report no later than the end of Q1, 2025.

Posted in: Council Council News

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