
Rocky View County Council Makes Annual Appointments

Rocky View County Council held its annual organizational meeting to select a Reeve and Deputy Reeve, and make appointments to positions on several boards and committees.

Council voted to select Division 3 Councillor Crystal Kissel as Reeve and Division 2 Councillor Don Kochan as Deputy Reeve. This is the third term as Reeve for Councillor Kissel and the second term for Deputy Reeve Kochan.

Reeve serves as head of council, and chairs council meetings. Under the County’s system, councillors select a Reeve and Deputy Reeve for a one-year term.

Council also appointed councillors and public members to various boards and committees. Several of the available positions were advertised in advance, and Council reviewed resumes and applications ahead of Tuesday’s vote. These appointments are from one to four years, and the list of appointees confirmed during the meeting includes:

Internal Boards and Committees

Agriculture Service Board / ALUS Partnership Advisory Committee
Two members at large from west of Highway 2 for a three-year term
Travis Eklund
Trevor Birchall

Assessment Review Board
One member at large for a three-year term
Justin St. Louis

Family and Community Support Services Board
Three members at large, for a three-year term
Beverly Copithorne
Blaine Townsend
Jung-Suk Ryu

Policy Review Advisory Committee

Council approved the creation of the Policy Review Advisory Committee on October 8, 2024; as such, appointments were approved for the first time during today’s meeting. The appointments are for a one-year term.
Reeve Crystal Kissel, Deputy Reeve Don Kochan, Councillor Samanntha Wright

Subdivision & Development Appeal Board / Enforcement Appeal Committee
Three members at large for a three-year term
Beverly Copithorne
Bob Doherty
Moire Dunn

External Boards and Committees

Calgary Metropolitan Region Board
Reeve Crystal Kissel, alternate Deputy Reeve Don Kochan

South Central Rural Municipalities of Alberta (SCRMA) District 2 Board
Councillor Greg Boehlke, alternate Reeve Crystal Kissel

Marigold Library System Board
One member at large for a three-year term
Laura Chitwood

Note that public members may include residents who are appointed to represent a specific geographic area or community, or to represent a partnering agency in the board or committee. The updated membership lists, as well as additional information for the boards and committees will be posted on the County’s website at Boards & Committees | Rocky View County

During the meeting, Council also established the 2025 Council and Committee Meeting calendar.

Full details of the meeting are available on the County website.

Posted in: Council Council News

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