Council Decisions: July 23, 2024
Wednesday, July 24, 2024
Here is a summary of the decisions of Rocky View County Council at the July 23, 2024 Council Meeting. This is a general overview of decisions only. Details of the agenda items can be found in the meeting’s agenda and details on the specifics of the decisions can be found in the minutes of this meeting, both on the Meetings & Hearings page. Details are also available by contacting Legislative Services at the County.
General Business
Council voted to receive the Aggregate Resource Plan Stakeholder Advisory Committee recommendations and final report as information, and directed Administration to bring a report back to Council that includes an analysis of the Committee Report, recommended actions, workplan, and review of budget implications no later than the end of Q4 2024.
Council voted to approve the reserve bids for the 2024 tax recovery sale, scheduled for 2:00 p.m. on Friday, October 11, 2024, encompassing properties with taxes that are three years in arrears and remain unpaid at that date.
Council voted to direct Administration to bring forward a ranking of Area Structure Plans under the current Area Structure Plan Priority Policy C-322 no later than the end of Q3 2024. Council then referred the Planning Project Priority Policy C-322 Amendments to Administration to reflect the comments made at the July 23, 2024 Council Meeting, and bring the policy back to Council no later than the end of October 2024.
Council voted to direct Administration to evaluate the potential for re-establishing a Policy Review Committee and report back with their findings and recommendations at the October 8, 2024 Council meeting.
Council voted to direct Administration to complete an assessment of probable costs to implement a sustainable stormwater strategy and parking lot paving of the Langdon Park and report back to Council for consideration by Q4 of 2024.
Planning and Development
Division 1 – File: PL20220027 and PL20220028 (04715001), Bylaw C-8558-2024 and Bylaw C-8559-2024, Local Plan Amendment and Redesignation Item: To assess amendments to the Springbank Creek Conceptual Scheme and a redesignation application to facilitate retention of an existing horticultural use and the creation of six country residential lots. PL20220028: To amend the Springbank Creek Conceptual Scheme to allow for future subdivision and development of Lot 1, Block 1, Plan 0310130 within SE-15-24-03-W05M. PL20220027: To redesignate a ± 2.00 hectare (± 4.94 acre) portion of the subject Agriculture, Small Parcel District (p8.1) parcel to Business, Agricultural District, a ± 5.15 hectare (± 12.72 acre) portion to Residential, Country Residential District, and a ± 0.72 hectare (± 1.81 acre) portion to Special, Public Service District to facilitate future subdivision. Considered under the Central Springbank Area Structure Plan, and the Springbank Creek Conceptual Scheme. Council voted to refer the applications back to Administration for revisions and return to Council prior to the end of Q4, 2024.
- Limitations on the type and intensity of uses allowed for the proposed Business, Agricultural district parcel within the revised conceptual scheme to ensure alignment with the direction of the Central Springbank Area Structure Plan.
- Reconfiguration of the proposed road network and lot layout to meet the intent of the adopted Springbank Creek Conceptual Scheme by providing the potential for road connections to the wider conceptual scheme area.
Council approved First Reading of Bylaw C-8549-2024 intended to amend Regional Transportation Off-Site Levy Bylaw C-8007-2020, including updates to schedules based on levies collected and projects completed, infrastructure expansion costs and accommodation for inflation, and the Long Range Transportation Network based on updated traffic modeling. Council also directed Administration to advertise the proposed Bylaw C-8549-2024 in accordance with section 648(6) of the Municipal Government Act, and schedule a Public Hearing prior to further consideration of the proposed Regional Transportation Off-Site Levy Bylaw in accordance with section 176 of the Procedure Bylaw.
Council approved First Reading of Bylaw C-8548-2024 intended to amend Regional Water and Wastewater Off-Site Levy Bylaw C-8009-2020, including updates to schedules based on allocated capacity, levies collected, and outstanding debt, infrastructure expansion costs and accommodation for inflation, to include provisions to update treatment technology through the Langdon Wastewater Treatment Plant Levy, and to capture the recent expansion of the system to the West Balzac area. Council also directed Administration to advertise the proposed Bylaw C-8548-2024 in accordance with section 648(6) of the Municipal Government Act, and schedule a Public Hearing prior to further consideration of the proposed Regional Water and Wastewater Off-Site Levy Bylaw in accordance with section 176 of the Procedure Bylaw.
Council approved First Reading of Bylaw C-8547-2024 intended to amend Regional Stormwater Off-Site Levy Bylaw C-8008-2020, including updates to schedules based on levies collected since the last bylaw, infrastructure expansion costs and accommodation for inflation, and new schedules to capture the internal infrastructure to support the Janet area and internal infrastructure to support the Conrich Area Structure Plan. Council also directed Administration to advertise the proposed Bylaw C-8547-2024 in accordance with section 648(6) of the Municipal Government Act, and schedule a Public Hearing prior to further consideration of the proposed Regional Stormwater Off-Site Levy Bylaw in accordance with section 176 of the Procedure Bylaw.
Council approved First Reading of Community Recreation Off-Site Bylaw C-8550-2024 intended to provide a soft service levy framework for new or expanded community recreation facilities. Council also directed Administration to advertise the proposed Bylaw C-8550-2024 in accordance with section 648(6) of the Municipal Government Act, and schedule a Public Hearing prior to further consideration of the proposed Community Recreation Off-Site Bylaw in accordance with section 176 of the Procedure Bylaw.
Division 5 – File: PL20230145 (06421028), Subdivision Item: To assess a proposed subdivision of Lot 3, Block 12, Plan 921 1573 within SE-21-26-29-W04M to create a ± 0.93 hectare (± 2.30 acre) parcel with a ± 0.96 hectare (± 2.37 acre) remainder. Considered under the City of Airdrie/Rocky View Country Intermunicipal Development Plan, and the Balzac East Area Structure Plan. Approved as amended.
Division 3 – File: PL20230080 (06703008), Subdivision Item: To assess a proposed subdivision of Block B, Plan 8086 within SE-03-26-03-W05M to create one ± 1.80 hectare (± 4.45 acre) parcel and one ± 1.83 hectare (± 4.52 acre) parcel, leaving a ± 4.10 hectare (± 10.13 acre) remainder. Considered under the Bearspaw Area Structure Plan. Approved as amended.
Division 2 – File: PL20220220 (05814006), Subdivision Item: To assess a proposed subdivision of Lot 3, Block 2, Plan 0513324 within NW-14-25-04-W05M to create a ± 8.10 hectare (± 20.01 acre) parcel with a ± 19.63 hectare (± 48.51 acre) remainder. Considered under the Town of Cochrane/M.D. of Rocky View Intermunicipal Development Plan. Approved as amended.
Closed Session
Council moved into a closed session to consider the confidential item “CAO Recruitment Process” under Sections 17, 19, and 24 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Council moved back into the public session and authorized the Reeve and Deputy Reeve to enter negotiations with the candidate for CAO as outlined in closed session RVC2024-024.
Council moved into a closed session to consider the confidential item “Recreation Facility Governance and Ownership” under Sections 21, 24, and 25 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Council moved back into the public session and directed Administration to proceed with Option #1, as outlined in closed session report RVC2024-025.
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