
Wintergreen Water System Improvements

Rocky View County and the Wintergreen Woods COOP Board, celebrated the completion of a long-term water improvement project in Bragg Creek on Wednesday July 3, 2024.  Since 2019, the County, along with the Wintergreen Water COOP and Alberta Environment, have made improvements repurposing the existing Wintergreen water infrastructure, and creating a new booster station from an old pump station, to connect residents with more stable and sustainable potable water from the Bragg Creek waterworks service area.  

Through a Local Improvement Tax, the small water COOP has now been connected to the County sub-regional water system network, advancing, and expanding the water needs of the community.  

This project has been a priority for Rocky View County and Council and are happy to see it come online. It will help support the increase of the customer base for daily operations.  

Posted in: Water & Utilities

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