
2024 Spring Weed Spraying Program

As part of the County's annual weed control program, crews will be spraying invasive weeds in Division 3, 4, and 7 this year. Division's roadsides are sprayed on a three-year rotation and spot treatment will occur in other divisions throughout the county. Weed spraying is used as part of an Integrated Pest Management plan to help protect native plants, crop lands, and wildlife habitats from being displaced by problem weeds.

Early detection and rapid response remain the most effective method of managing invasive weeds. In addition to annual spraying, the County uses a team of seasonal weed inspectors and technology to track infestations and maintain an effective, long-term weed control program.

All herbicide applications are made by certified applicators, and follow the best practices, handling, safety and standards as set out by Alberta Environment and the Industrial Vegetation Management Association of Alberta.

Residents who do not want roadsides along their property treated with herbicides may enter into an opt-out agreement with the County. This agreement places all responsibility for weed control in the ditches onto the landowner. For further details, contact Agricultural Services at 403-230-1401, email or visit

Posted in: Agriculture

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