Council Decisions: December 12, 2023
Wednesday, December 13, 2023
Here is a summary of the decisions of Rocky View County Council at the December 12, 2023 Council Meeting. This is a general overview of decisions only. Details of the agenda items can be found in the meeting’s agenda and details on the specifics of the decisions can be found in the minutes of this meeting, both on the Meetings & Hearings page. Details are also available by contacting Legislative Services at the County.
General Business
Administration presented the Community Recreation and Fire Off-Site Levy Bylaw C-8485-2024. The bylaw provides a framework that targets a specific benefiting area approach where all Fire and Recreation facilities are grouped in a single category across a specific catchment area.
Council approved Motions directing Administration to:
- Prepare a Fire Offsite Levy Bylaw for Council’s consideration by Q3 of 2024 and following Council approval of the 2024 Fire Master Plan.
- Prepare a Community Recreation Offsite Levy Bylaw for Council’s consideration by Q3 of 2024, following Council review of the 2021 Recreation Master Plan
Planning and Development
- Division 4 – File: PL20230068 (06606055), Bylaw C-8464-2023, Redesignation Item: To assess redesignation of Lot 1, Block 5, Plan 8911408 within NW-06-26-02-W05M from Residential, Rural District to Residential, Country Residential District to facilitate future subdivision of one ± 0.81 hectare (± 2.00 acre) lot with a ± 0.81 hectare (± 2.00 acre) remainder. Considered under the Bearspaw Area Structure Plan. Approved.
- Division 5 – File: PL20230089 (06421035), Bylaw C-8457-2023, Redesignation Item: To assess the redesignation of Lot 11, Block 1, Plan 9711209 within NE-21-26-29-W04M from Residential, Rural District to Residential, Country Residential District to facilitate future subdivision of one ± 1.14 hectare (± 2.81 acre) lot. Considered under the Balzac East Area Structure Plan. Approved.
- Division 5 – File: PL20230061/PL20230062/PL20230086 (06411005), Bylaw C-8471-2023, Bylaw C-8472-2023, and Bylaw C-8473-2023, Area Structure Plan/Local Plan/Direct Control Amendment Items: To assess proposed amendments to the Balzac East Area Structure Plan, the Wagon Wheel Industrial Park Conceptual Scheme, and Direct Control District Bylaw C-6031-2005 for Block A, Plan 4156JK within NW-11-26-29-W04M to facilitate development of the site for an equipment dealership with outdoor storage. Considered under the Balzac East Area Structure Plan, and the Wagon Wheel Industrial Park Conceptual Scheme. Approved.
- Division 6 – File: PL20220135 (03216001), Bylaw C-8462-2023, Redesignation Item: To assess a ± 0.37 hectare (± 0.91 acre) portion of the SE-16-23-27-W04M from Agricultural General District to Direct Control District based on the Industrial, Light District, to facilitate the retention of an existing Data Processing Center. The use is currently within the northwest corner of the subject quarter section, utilizing the existing access along a lease road operated by Ember Resources. Considered under the County Plan. Council approved a motion that the application be referred back to Administration to work with the Applicant on updating the proposed Direct Control District to be based on the Agricultural, General District (A-GEN) with the only additional uses being the proposed Data Processing Center; and that additional development restrictions regarding landscaping, noise mitigation, and time limits for the development permit are to be included. Administration is to bring the updated Direct Control District back to Council no later than the end of March 2024.
- Division 2 – File: PL20230026/04826001, Bylaw C8418-2023, Road Closure Item: To assess the closure of a ± 1.90 hectare (± 4.70 acre) portion of undeveloped road allowance, for the purpose of consolidation with a ± 4.25 hectare (± 10.51) acre remainder parcel within SE-26-24-04-W05M. Considered under the Road Allowance Closure and Disposal Policy C-443. Approved as amended.
- Division 5 – File: PL20220110 (06612056), Subdivision Item: to assess a proposed subdivision of Lot 5, Block 11, Plan 0711329 within SE-06-27-03-W05M to create a ± 1.83 hectare (± 4.52 acre) parcel with a ± 1.82 hectare (± 4.50 acre) remainder. Considered under the Rocky View County/Calgary Intermunicipal Development Plan. Approved as amended. Prior to final endorsement of the subdivision, Council directed Administration to present the Applicant/Owners with a Voluntary Recreation Contribution Form and ask if they will contribute to the Fund in accordance with the contributions prescribed in the Master Rates Bylaw.
Closed Session
Council moved into a closed session to consider the confidential item “Cochrane Gravel Pit Disposal” under Sections 24 and 25 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Council moved back into the public session with no follow-up action.
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Council News