Council Decisions: December 5, 2023
Wednesday, December 6, 2023
Here is a summary of the decisions of Rocky View County Council at the December 5, 2023 Council Meeting. This is a general overview of decisions only. Details of the agenda items can be found in the meeting’s agenda and details on the specifics of the decisions can be found in the minutes of this meeting, both on the Meetings & Hearings page. Details are also available by contacting Legislative Services at the County.
General Business
- Council voted to approve Economic Development Initiatives Grant Program Policy C-350, which would provide guidance on the distribution of allotted funds to chambers of commerce and business associations serving Rocky View County.
- Council voted to direct Administration to sign the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Rocky View County and the Town of Crossfield for the Collicutt Siding Golf Course Lands. The MOU will outline roles and responsibilities for future development of the golf course.
- Council did not approve a budget adjustment of $95,000 from the Tax Stabilization Reserve fund to complete a feasibility assessment for “Option 7B” of the feasibility assessment prepared by Tetra Tech Canada Inc. for bridge crossings at Bracken Road and Spruce Avenue stemming from an emergency access feasibility study for West Bragg Creek completed in 2017. Council then approved a Motion Arising directing Administration to work with the Reeve and/or Deputy Reeve to discuss the Bragg Creek emergency access route options with the Tsuut’ina Nation.
- Council voted to approve a time extension to no later than February 27, 2024, to allow Administration to further review Fire Services Bylaw C-7886-2019 and investigate the advantages or disadvantages of creating a separate bylaw for the Fire Guardian Program.
Planning and Development
- Division 5 – File: PL20230013/PL20230014/PL20230015 (06411006), Bylaw C-8466-2023, Bylaw C-8467-2023 and Bylaw C-8468-2023, ASP/Local Plan/Direct Control Amendment Items: To assess the proposed amendments to the Balzac East Area Structure Plan, the Wagon Wheel Industrial Park Conceptual Scheme, and Direct Control District Bylaw C-6031-2005 for Lot 1, Block 1, Plan 0614759 within NW-11-26-29-W04M to facilitate development of a warehousing and truck distribution business. The proposed use would require outdoor storage of truck trailers, greater site coverage, increased building height, and the overarching planning documents currently do not provide for this type and scale of development. As such, the Applicants are seeking to amend the three documents to allow the proposed development to move forward. Considered under the Balzac East Area Structure Plan, and the Wagon Wheel Industrial Park Conceptual Scheme. Approved as amended.
- Division 5 – File: PL20210093/PL20230059 (06413001/06413002/06413004), Bylaw C-8458-2023 and Bylaw C-8459-2023, Local Plan/Redesignation Item: To facilitate commercial and industrial development within the Balzac East Area Structure Plan. PL20210093 – To adopt the “Alta Vista Landing Conceptual Scheme” that provides a policy framework to guide future redesignation, subdivision and development proposals within NE/SE/SW-13-26-29-W04M. PL20230059 – To redesignate the subject lands from Agricultural, General District to Commercial, Highway District, Industrial, Heavy District, Special, Public Services District, Special, Parks and Recreation District, and Special, Natural Open Space District. Considered under the Balzac East Area Structure Plan. Approved.
- Division 6 – File: PL20220129/PL20220130/PL20220131/PL20220132 (04319207/04319009), Bylaw C-8440-2023, Bylaw C-8441-2023, Bylaw C-8442-2023 and Bylaw C-8443-2023, ASP Amendment/Local Plan/Redesignation Item: To assess four related planning applications that facilitate the development of a new residential community of “Princeton”. PL20220129 – To adopt "Princeton Conceptual Scheme" that provides policies to guide future residential development containing 419 dwelling units, open space and a stormwater pond on ± 25.20 hectare (62.17 acre) of gross development area within Block 1 & 2, Plan 9712096 within the NE-19-24-28-W04M. PL20220130 – Amendment to Policy 8.12 of the Conrich Area Structure Plan, to include the Princeton Conceptual Scheme. PL20220131 – To redesignate the subject lands from Direct Control District and Special, Public Service District, to Residential, Mid-Density Urban District (R-MID sw8.2 s1.2), Special, Parks and Recreation District, and Special, Public Service District. PL20220132 – To amend Direct Control Bylaw C-5250-2000 to remove the subject lands from Schedule A. Considered under the Conrich Area Structure Plan. Approved.
- Division 7 – File: PL20210008 (03214001/03214009), Bylaw C-8456-2023, Local Plan Amendment Item: To assess the proposed amendments to the Settler's Green Conceptual Scheme within the hamlet of Langdon. The amendments propose to reduce the stormwater collection area within the conceptual scheme and shift the majority of the drainage to a proposed stormwater pond located outside of the plan area, and to reduce the commercial/industrial area and split it into a neighbourhood commercial area, and future development area. Considered under the Langdon Area Structure Plan. Refused.
- Division 5 – File: 1013-170 (Multiple Lands), Bylaw C-8465-2023, Direct Control Amendment Item: To reduce landscaping requirement along RR 292 and RR 293 from 15% to 10%, to increase maximum site coverage requirement for Cell C from 40% to 55%; and, to remove Schedule C, as all of lands within Cell C would allow for site coverage of 55%. Considered under the Balzac East Area Structure Plan. Approved.
- Division 5 – File: PL20230077 (06521002), Subdivision Item: to assess a proposed subdivision within SW-21-26-01-W05M to create a ± 4.17 hectare (± 10.30 acre) parcel with a ± 56.53 hectare (± 139.70 acre) remainder. Considered under the County Plan. Approved as amended.
Closed Session
- Council moved into a closed session to consider the confidential item “Cochrane Gravel Pit Disposal” under Sections 24 and 25 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Council moved back into the public session with no follow-up action.
- Council moved into a closed session to consider the confidential item “Interim CAO Contract Extension” under Sections 19 and 24 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Council moved back into the public session and approved a four-month extension of the Interim CAO contract from February 1, 2024.
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Council News