Council Decisions: October 17, 2023
Wednesday, October 18, 2023
Here is a summary of the decisions of Rocky View County Council at the October 17, 2023 Council Meeting. This is a general overview of decisions only. Details of the agenda items can be found in the meeting’s agenda and details on the specifics of the decisions can be found in the minutes of this meeting, both on the Meetings & Hearings page. Details are also available by contacting Legislative Services at the County.
Prior to the regular Council Meeting, the annual Organizational Meeting was held. Full details regarding the appointment of Reeve, Deputy Reeve, along with several boards and committees members, can be found on the News webpage.
General Business
- Council voted to approve the appointment of BDO Canada LLP as Rocky View County’s auditor for a period of five years, ending on December 31, 2027. Council then approved a budget adjustment of $33,000 from the Tax Stabilization Reserve to increase the amount budgeted for the 2023 financial audit due to inflationary pressures and competitive pricing.
- Council voted to direct Administration to participate in the Alberta Utilities Commission’s inquiry on renewable energy development processes and advocate for increased consideration of municipal approval processes, the strengthening of reclamation and remediation requirements, and improved municipal access to AUC hearings by guaranteeing intervenor status for municipalities.
- Council received a report on the implementation of the Solid Waste Servicing Strategy - Curbside Collection Implementation Plan, which outlined the transition of seven Rocky View County communities to a County-managed curbside collection system. Council did not grant approval for this strategy to proceed as presented.
- Council voted to approve amendments to Circulation and Notification Standards Policy C-327 to provide a standardized circulation and notification radii of 1600m (1 mile) for all application types outside of hamlets and 800m (1/2 mile) within hamlets. Council then directed Administration to bring a report back to Council with a review of the implementation of the amendments no later than April 30, 2024.
- Council voted to grant Administration’s request for an extension to prepare a home-based business directory report no later than January 23, 2024, to allow for analysis in conjunction with the work done on the County’s Economic Development Strategy.
- Council voted to direct Administration to prepare a report for presentation to the Governance Committee before the end of January 2024 that would require the Care Facility (Group) use be at the discretion of Council, acting as the Development Authority. Administration is also directed to bring forward a resolution to Council for consideration to apply a temporary suspension to the approval of Care Facility (Group) development/planning applications, until such time as Council updates the Land Use Bylaw.
Closed Session
- Council moved into a closed session to consider the confidential item “Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework Advocacy” under Sections 21 and 24 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Council moved back into the public session and directed Administration to conduct an advocacy campaign as outlined in Report RVC2023-34, to ensure that the County’s interests are represented in the Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework review process.
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Council News