Council Decisions: October 3, 2023
Wednesday, October 4, 2023
Here is a summary of the decisions of Rocky View County Council at the October 3, 2023 Council Meeting. This is a general overview of decisions only. Details of the agenda items can be found in the meeting’s agenda and details on the specifics of the decisions can be found in the minutes of this meeting, both on the Meetings & Hearings page. Details are also available by contacting Legislative Services at the County.
General Business
- Council voted to approve the 2023-2027 Rocky View County Strategic Plan, including an amendment to update ‘urban’ to ‘rurban’ with an added definition of rurban within the plan. The Strategic Plan sets the vision, goals, and objectives for the organization, and provides the opportunity for Council and Administration to monitor progress through approved key performance indicators. Administration will bring quarterly Accountability Reports beginning in October 2023 that will provide updates on the strategic objectives, priority projects, and operations.
- Council voted to approve a budget adjustment of $5 million from the Tax Stabilization Reserve to fund the Langdon Equalization Tank Repair and Replacement Project. Preliminary engineering and design work is expected to begin in the fourth quarter of 2023, with existing infrastructure remaining in operation during the work.
- Council voted to direct Administration to issue a letter of support to Alberta Transportation regarding the proposed speed limit change from 100 km/h to 80 km/h along the 2.6 km +/- section of Highway 560 from east of Range Road 285 to east of Range Road 283 to improve motorist safety in the area.
- Council moved into closed session to consider the item “Appointment of County External Auditor” under Sections 24 and 25 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Council moved back into the public session and voted to approve that the decision on engaging BDO Canada LLP as the County’s auditor be postponed until Council has had a meeting with one of their principals, prior to the October 17, 2023 Organizational Meeting.
- Council approved a Motion first read into the record on October 3, 2023 directing Administration to prepare a report for presentation to the Governance Committee before the end of January 2024 that would require the Care Facility (Group) use be at the discretion of Council, acting as the Development Authority. Administration is also directed to bring forward a resolution to Council for consideration to apply a temporary suspension to the approval of Care Facility (Group) development / planning applications, until such time as Council updates the Land Use Bylaw.
Planning and Development
- Division 6 – File: PL20220190 (03304035), Bylaw C-8369-2023, Redesignation Item: To assess the redesignation of a ± 37.43 hectare (± 92.48 acre) portion of NE-04-23-28-W04M from Agricultural, General District to Residential, Rural District to facilitate subdivision of 18 residential parcels, between ± 1.60 hectares (± 3.95 acres) and ± 1.66 hectares (± 4.10 acres) in size. Considered under the Rocky View County/City of Calgary Intermunicipal Development Plan. Refused.
- Division 6 – File: PL20220199 (03230014), Bylaw C-8374-2023, Redesignation Item: To assess the redesignation of Lot 4, Block 5, Plan 0010580 within NW-30-23-27-W04M from Agricultural, Small Parcel District (p8.1) to Residential, Rural District to facilitate subdivision of 4 residential parcels, between ±1.72 hectares (±4.26 acres) and ±1.81 hectares (±4.48 acres) in size. Considered under the County Plan. Approved.
- Division 1 – File: PL20230003 (03908001), Bylaw C-8426-2023, Redesignation Item: To assess redesignation of Block 4, Plan 9412078 within SE-08-23-05-W05M from Agricultural, Small Parcel District (p8.1) to Residential, Rural District to facilitate future subdivision of one new lot. Considered under the Greater Bragg Creek Area Structure Plan. Approved.
- Division 6 – File: PL20220133 (05307005), Bylaw C-8359-2023, Redesignation Item: To assess the redesignation of a ±1.71 hectare (±4.23 acre) portion of the subject lands within NE-07-25-28-W04M from Agricultural, General District to Industrial, Light District to facilitate future subdivision of one new ±1.71 hectare (±4.23 acre) parcel, which is proposed to be developed as an automotive storage. This item was withdrawn by the Applicant at the time of the Public Hearing.
- Division 6 – File: PL20230041/02233016, Subdivision Item: To assess a proposed subdivision of Parcel B, Plan 8211646 within E-33-22-27-W04M to create a ±2.24 hectares (±5.54 acres) parcel with a ±4.05 hectare (±10.00 acres) remainder. Considered under the County Plan. Approved.
- Division 2 – File: PL20220160 / 04735011, Subdivision Item: The purpose of this report is to assess a proposed subdivision of Lot 2, Block 1, Plan 0815529 within NE-35-24-03-W05M to create a ±1.61 hectare (±3.98 acre) parcel with a ±1.67 hectare (±4.13 acre) remainder. Considered under the Central Springbank Area Structure Plan. Approved.
- Division 6 – File: PL20230081/02232013/06, Subdivision Item: The purpose of this report is to assess the subdivision (boundary adjustment) of two parcels within N-32-22-27-W04M. The application proposes to shift the boundaries of a 3.96 hectare (9.81 acre) Residential, Rural Residential District parcel and a 14.96 hectare (36.97 acre) Agricultural, Small Parcel District (p8.1) parcel to create a ±2.40 hectare (±5.93 acre) parcel and a ±16.53 hectare (±40.85 acre) parcel. Considered under the County Plan. Council voted to refer this item back to Administration until Council has rendered a decision on an application for redesignation which would support the proposed boundary adjustment.
- Division 2 – File: PL20230051/05714039, Subdivision Item: The purpose of this report is to assess the subdivision of Lot 17, Block 1, Plan 1312829 within NW-14-25-03-W05M to create a ± 0.83 hectare (± 2.05 acre) parcel with a ± 0.83 hectare (± 2.05 acre) remainder. Considered under the Central Springbank Area Structure Plan. Approved.
Closed Session
- Council moved into a closed session to consider the confidential item “Personnel Matter” under Sections 24 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Council moved back into the public session with no follow up action.
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Council News