Council Decisions: September 5 2023
Wednesday, September 6, 2023
Here is a summary of the decisions of Rocky View County Council at the September 5, 2023 Council Meeting. This is a general overview of decisions only. Details of the agenda items can be found in the meeting’s agenda and details on the specifics of the decisions can be found in the minutes of this meeting, both on the Meetings & Hearings page. Details are also available by contacting Legislative Services at the County.
General Business
- Council voted to approve a budget adjustment to allocate $25,000 in funds granted by the provincial Emergency Management Preparedness Program to the County’s Emergency Management budget to fund the 2024 Regional Tabletop and Functional exercises.
- Council voted to appoint Councillor Boehlke and Councillor Kochan to the Trilateral Joint Planning Area 1 (JPA 1) Committee. The JPA 1 Committee is comprised of two members from the City of Airdrie, City of Calgary, and Rocky View County that will collaborate and provide direction on the development of a Context Study, which will inform future decision-making by the Calgary Metropolitan Region Board (CMRB).
- Council voted to appoint Councillor Hanson and Deputy Reeve Samra to the Trilateral Joint Planning Area 2 (JPA 2) Committee. The JPA 2 Committee is comprised of two members from the City of Chestermere, City of Calgary, and Rocky View County that will collaborate and provide direction on the development of a Context Study, which will inform future decision-making by the CMRB.
- Council voted to approve Council Code of Conduct Bylaw C-8338-2022 as amended and voted to appoint Ellen-Anne O’Donnell as the Interim Complaints Adjudicator for Rocky View County. Council also directed Administration to begin seeking candidates for the position of Complaints Adjudicator to be appointed by Council for a four-year term.
Planning and Development
- Division 7 – File: PL20220172 (03222002, 03222003), Bylaw C-8351-2022, Redesignation Item: To assess a textual amendment to the Residential, Mid-Density Urban District of the Land Use Bylaw, by including a new clause that all the residential lots within the Painted Sky development can have a minimum 1.5 m side yard setback on both sides. Considered under the Langdon Area Structure Plan, and the Painted Sky Conceptual Scheme. Approved.
- Division 5 – File: PL20230006 (06513002, 06524001, 06524002, 06524007), Bylaw C-8435-2023, Redesignation Item: To assess a textual amendment to the Residential, Mid-Density Urban District of the Land Use Bylaw, by including a new clause that all the residential lots within the Rocky Creek (Goldwynne) development can have a minimum 1.5 m side yard setback on both sides. Considered under the Balzac West Area Structure Plan, and the Rocky Creek Conceptual Scheme. Approved.
- Council voted to approve the draft Janet Area Structure Plan Bylaw C-8020-2020 as amended, and directed Administration to resubmit the bylaw to the CMRB for approval through the Regional Evaluation Framework process.
- Division 3 – File: PL20230012 (06931003), Bylaw C-8415-2023, Redesignation Item: To assess the redesignation of the remainder of SE-31-26-05-W05M from Agricultural General District to Agricultural, Small Parcel District to facilitate the future subdivision of one new ± 24.28 hectare (± 60.0 acre) lot, with a ± 24.28 hectare (± 60.0 acre) remainder. Considered under the County Plan. Approved.
- Division 2 – File: PL20230026 (04826001), Road Closure Item: Council approved First Reading of Bylaw C-8418-2023, to assess the proposed closure of a portion of undeveloped road allowance along Range Road 41, totalling ± 1.90 hectares (± 4.70 acres), for the purpose of consolidation with the northeast corner remnant parcel within the SE-26-24-4-W5M. Considered under Policy C-443. Bylaw C-8418-2023 will be forwarded to the Minister of Transportation and Economic Corridors for approval. Council also directed Administration to work with the Applicant to provide a Plan of Survey and an Appraisal of the road allowance area, prior to consideration of Second and Third Reading.
- Division 5 – File: PL20230001 (06102003), Road Closure Item: Council approved First Reading of Bylaw C-8414-2023, to assess the proposed closure of two portions of undeveloped road allowances along Range Road 262 and Township Road 260, totalling ± 1.64 hectares (± 4.05 acres) and ± 1.64 hectares (± 4.05 acres), for the purpose of consolidation with the SW-02-26-26-W4M. Considered under the Intermunicipal Development Plan between Rocky View County and Wheatland County, and Policy C-443. Bylaw C-8414-2023 will be forwarded to the Minister of Transportation and Economic Corridors for approval. Council also directed Administration to work with the Applicant to provide a Plan of Survey and an Appraisal of the road allowance area, prior to consideration of Second and Third Reading.
- Division 5 – File: PL20170162 (07105004), Bylaw C-8224-2021, Road Closure Item: To assess closing a ± 1.33 hectare (± 3.28 acre) portion of undeveloped road allowance, for the purpose of consolidation with the SW-05-27-26-W4M. Considered under Policy C-443. Approved. Council also directed Administration to prepare an amending bylaw to Bylaw C-8224-2021 to replace the Schedule ‘A’ with a survey once approval of that plan has been received from Alberta Environment and Protected Areas by September 5, 2024. Administration will bring the terms of the Sales Agreement for File PL20170162 back to Council along with the amending bylaw by September 5, 2024.
- Division 3 – File: PL20210002 (06717003), Bylaw C-8188-2021, Road Closure: The purpose of this report is to assess closing a ± 0.51 hectare (± 1.25 acre) portion of Road Plan 2479Q, for the purpose of consolidation with the SE-17-26-03-W5M. Considered under Policy C-443. Refused.
- Council then approved a Motion Arising directing Administration to work with the Applicant to resubmit their application and that the road closure application fee be waived.
Closed Session
- Council moved into a closed session to consider the confidential item “CAO Hiring Process” under Sections 17 and 19 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Council moved back into the public session with no follow up action.
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