2024 FCSS Funding Applications are Available!
Friday, June 16, 2023
The County’s Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) program provides funding to non-profit organizations that enhance the social well-being of individuals and families.
The program currently funds child and youth programs, family life enrichment courses, senior’s programs, information and referral programs, and other preventive social support programs.
The two funding opportunities available are General FCSS Funding and Special Project Funding. General Funding is for larger programs that address local needs through established programming and proven outcomes. Special Project Funding is generally for one-time, short term, or pilot projects that are $7,500 or less. Applications must fall within one or more of the following criteria:
- help people develop independence, strengthen coping skills and become more resistant to crisis;
- help people to develop an awareness of social needs;
- help people develop interpersonal and group skills which enhance constructive relationships among people;
- help people and communities to assume responsibility for decisions and actions which affect them;
- promote, encourage and facilitate the involvement of volunteers.
- provide supports that help sustain people as active participants in the community.
All applicants must be a registered non-profit that serves Rocky View County residents. Individuals or for-profit groups and businesses cannot apply for funding.
For more details and to find the funding application form visit www.rockyview.ca/fcss-funding . The deadline for General Funding applications for the 2024 year, is August 31, 2023.
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