Council Decisions: May 23, 2023
Wednesday, May 24, 2023
Here is a summary of the decisions of Rocky View County Council at the May 23, 2023 Council Meeting. This is a general overview of decisions only. Details of the agenda items can be found in the meeting’s agenda and details on the specifics of the decisions can be found in the minutes of this meeting, both on the Meetings & Hearings page. Details are also available by contacting Legislative Services at the County.
General Business
- Council approved the budget adjustment for the site clearing and remediation of the Airdrie Operations Centre and directed Administration to proceed with the site clearing and remediation of the site.
- Council received, for information, a report by Capital and Engineering Services regarding a review of policy on deferred service agreements and the ability for the County to require service connections to adjacent and municipal utilities. Council then directed Administration to hold a Council Briefing by September 30, 2023 to review:
- The County’s current Deferred Services Agreement approach
- Water/Wastewater Utility Bylaw C-7662-2017
- Council’s authority to require more timely water servicing connections
- Council approved the budget adjustment of $2.8 million for the twinning of Secondary Highway 566 in East Balzac to address the increase in project costs reflected on all bids received, and the construction sector as a whole in the current inflationary climate.
- Council voted to direct Administration to provide a letter of support to the Village of Beiseker to support an Alberta Community Partnership grant application for detailed engineering design of stormwater management infrastructure within the Village.
- Council voted to direct Administration to prepare a report for presentation to the Governance Committee before the end of September 2023 on the Bragg Creek Secondary Access project, outlining the identified access/egress routes, the status of the project, and potential options for the Committee’s consideration to advance this project.
Planning and Development
- Division 5 – File: PL20220163 (06521002), Bylaw C-8360-2023, Redesignation Item: To redesignate a ± 4.17 hectare (± 10.30 acre) portion of the subject lands from Agricultural, General District to Residential, Rural District (p4.0) to facilitate future subdivision of one new lot. Considered under the City of Calgary/Rocky View County Intermunicipal Development Plan. Approved.
- Division 4 – File: PL20220167 (06712022), Subdivision Item: To create a ± 0.8 hectare (1.98 acre) parcel (Lot 1) leaving a ± 1.8 hectare (4.03 acre) remainder (Lot 2). Considered under the Bearspaw Area Structure Plan. Approved.
- Council approved the amended Bearspaw Area Structure Plan Terms of Reference to reflect an updated timeline required to guide the recommencement of the project in August of 2023.
- Council voted to direct Administration to proceed with the Regional Evaluation Framework Application 2023-05, specifically, that proposed amendments to the Janet Area Structure Plan contained within draft Bylaw C-8020-2020, be presented to the Calgary Metropolitan Region Board on June 23, 2023 for approval.
Closed Session
- Council moved into a closed session to consider the confidential item “CAO Review” under Section 19 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Council moved back into the public session with no follow-up action.
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Council News