Council Decisions: September 27, 2022
Wednesday, September 28, 2022
Here is a summary of the decisions of Rocky View County Council at the September 27, 2022 Council Meeting. This is a general overview of decisions only. Details of the agenda items can be found in the meeting’s agenda and details on the specifics of the decisions can be found in the minutes of this meeting, both on the Meetings & Hearings page. Details are also available by contacting Legislative Services at the County.
General Business
- Council directed Administration to prepare Municipal Development Plan (County Plan) and Land Use Bylaw (C-8000-2020) amendments comprising:
- The removal of the ability to redesignate to the Special, Future Urban Development (S-FUD) land use district, but the continuation of the district (or the allowances therein) for parcels that already hold the land use.
- The addition of policy within the Municipal Development Plan to direct Administration to examine the provision of interim uses within area structure plans upon preparation, review, or amendment of an area structure plan.
- Administration will schedule a public hearing to consider the bylaw amendments at a Council meeting held no later than January 2023. Notwithstanding those bylaws already proceeding to public hearing on September 27, 2022, Administration shall not schedule any bylaw proposing redesignation of a property’s land use to the Special, Future Urban Development (S-FUD) district for Council’s consideration at public hearing or otherwise, including first readings, until after Council has considered bylaw amendments to the S-FUD district, to be presented no later than January 2023. Development permit applications on properties holding the S-FUD land use shall be allowed to proceed to a decision. Administration is also directed to notify all landowners and applicants in the County who have a current application for redesignation or a development permit relating to the S-FUD district of Council’s direction on the district. Applicants shall be advised of their options with respect to proceeding with their proposals and the fees paid for the S-Fud application be applied to the new land use proposal.
- Council then approved a Motion Arising that, in the event of the applicant withdrawing an S-FUD application, the application fee shall be refunded to the applicant in full, notwithstanding the Master Rates Bylaw.
- Council directed Administration to prepare Municipal Development Plan (County Plan) and Land Use Bylaw (C-8000-2020) amendments comprising:
- The removal of the ability to redesignate to the Business Live-Work (B-LWK) land use district, but the continuation of the district (or the allowances therein) for parcels which already hold the land use.
- The removal of Special Function Business as a use from all districts that currently allow for that use.
- The replacement of the B-LWK district and the Special Function Business use with a Home-Based Business Type 3 use to be available through site-specific amendment in all residential and agricultural districts.
- The creation of locational principles and site criteria in the County Plan for Home-Based Business Type 3 uses to guide the location of these uses to compatible areas.
- The creation of Home-Based Business Type 3 General Regulations in the Land Use Bylaw to provide additional land use bylaw regulatory requirements including setbacks from residential dwellings on surrounding lands, minimum and maximum parcel sizes, screening, and setback requirements on outdoor storage areas, established presence of dwelling(s) on the subject parcel, and limitations on subdivision of the subject parcel.
- Administration is directed to schedule a public hearing to consider the bylaw amendments at a Council meeting held no later than January 2023. Administration shall not schedule any bylaw proposing redesignation of a property’s land use to the Business Live-Work district for Council’s consideration at public hearing or otherwise, including first readings, until after Council has considered bylaw amendments to the Business Live-Work district, to be presented no later than January 2023. Subdivision and development permit applications on properties holding the Business Live-Work land use shall be allowed to proceed to a decision. Administration is also directed to notify all landowners and applicants in the County that have a current application for redesignation, subdivision, or development relating to the Business Live-Work district of Council’s direction on the district. Applicants shall be advised of their options with respect to proceeding with their proposals.
- Council then approved a Motion Arising that in the event of the applicant withdrawing a Business-Live-Work application, the application fee shall be refunded to the applicant in full notwithstanding the Master Rates Bylaw.
- A second Motion Arising was approved, directing Administration to investigate creating a business directory for all home-based type businesses in the County to be brought back to Council no later than January 31, 2023.
- Council received, for information, a report from Planning outlining an analysis and options for the County’s planning application process. Council then directed Administration to prepare amendments to Procedure Bylaw C-8277-2022 and any other County Bylaw, Policy, or Procedure to facilitate the consideration of first reading after the associated public hearing, and to facilitate the consideration of three readings at the same Council meeting, on bylaws requiring a public hearing.
- Council approved the revised Marigold Library System Agreement and the 2023-2024 ‘Schedule C’ per capita levy rates, and directed Administration to execute the agreement between Rocky View County and Marigold Library System prior to September 30, 2022.
- Council approved a budget adjustment of $2,630,000 and $1,280,000 for upgrades to Range Road 40 and Township 245 respectively, on behalf of the Government of Alberta. The total cost of the projects will be funded by the Province and the net impact on the County’s budget is $0.
- Council then approved a Motion Arising, directing Administration to continue collaboration with the Province through the Springbank Reservoir Joint Land Use Advisory Committee and other forums, to explore and advocate for the construction of a north-south pathway connection along Range Road 40, leveraging recreational opportunities that may be provided within the SR-1 area, as well as explore the need to acquire linear sections of land along Range Road 40, between Township Road 250 and Springbank Road, in order to provide for a safe active transportation corridor. Administration will prepare a report on any outcomes or further considerations resulting from collaborative efforts with the Province on pathway connections along Range Road 40, and present for Council’s consideration no later than February 2023.
- Council received, for information, a report from the People and Culture department outlining the County’s response to the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, which focuses on education and training for staff with respect to the residential schools experiences of Indigenous Peoples in Canada.
- Council directed Administration to prepare a Terms of Reference for a Council Committee of the Whole and associated amendments to the Boards and Committees Bylaw and to return to Council with these items on October 11, 2022.
- Council provided an update on the latest Calgary Metropolitan Regional Growth Board (CMRB) activities. Specific details can be reviewed on the meeting’s livestream video.
- Council received, for information, an update on the 2022 Council Priorities and Significant Issues list, including all active, ongoing and pending priorities and initiatives to assist council on the status of business items.
Planning and Development
- Division 4 – File: PL20210010 (08909002, 08910010, 08910021), Bylaw C-8139-2021, Road Closure Application Item: To close a ± 1.58 hectare (± 3.91 acre) portion of road allowance, between SE-9-28-5-W5M and SW-10-28-5-W5M, and consolidate equally between the eastern and western parcels. Considered under the County Plan. Council voted to table consideration of this bylaw until a decision on Road Licencing Bylaw C-8316-2022.
- Division 5 – File: PL20220032 and PL20220033 (06410003), Bylaw C-8317-2022 and Bylaw C-8318-2022, Conceptual Scheme Amendment Item and DC Bylaw Amendment Item: PL20220032 (Bylaw C-8317-2022) To amend the Balzac Commercial Campus Conceptual Scheme; Amend the requirement for road construction and issuance of a Construction Completion Certificate prior to a development permit being issued; Amend the setback and site coverage requirements for buildings abutting Highway 566; Amend policies relating to suitable building facade treatments, visual screening, and landscaping buffering facing Highway 566. PL20220033 (Bylaw C-8318-2022) To amend Direct Control Bylaw C-6031-2005 (DC-99); Include new clauses to allow the Development Authority to approve minor variances (5%); Increase the maximum building height in Cell A from 10 metres to 12 metres; Increase the maximum site coverage in Cell A from 25% to 45%; Include the southern portion of the subject lands into the area that is allowed for a maximum site coverage of 55%. Considered under the Balzac East Area Structure Plan and Balzac Commercial Campus Conceptual Scheme. Approved as amended.
- Division 6 – File: PL20200191 (03219003), Bylaw C-8299-2022, Redesignation Item: To redesignate the ±63.60 hectare (±157.16 acre) subject parcel from Agricultural, General District to Special, Future Urban Development District to allow for storage of large earth moving equipment. Considered under the County Plan. Refused.
- Division 5 – File: PL20210124 (08410002), Bylaw C-8287-2022, Redesignation Item: f fractional Section 10-28-29-W04M, from Agricultural, General District to Direct Control District to allow for the future subdivision of one ±17.81 hectare (±44.01 acre) parcel and the future development of a Solar Farm, Electric Vehicle Charging Station, Electric Storage System, and Electronic Data Processing on that parcel, thereby leaving a ±17.49 hectare (±43.22 acre) DC District parcel. The proposed balance parcel would also have the same uses of Solar Farm, Electric Vehicle Charging Station, and Data Processing uses available. Considered under the County Plan. Refused.
First Readings
- Division 6 – File: PL20220020 (04324022), Bylaw C-8292-2022, Redesignation Item: To redesignate the subject lands from Residential, Rural District to Residential, Country Residential District to accommodate future subdivision. First Reading approved.
- Division 5 – File: PL20220107 (07108011), Bylaw C-8325-2022, Redesignation Item: To redesignate a portion of the subject lands from Agricultural, General District to Residential, Rural District to facilitate the creation of a ± 4.35 hectare (± 10.75 acre) parcel with ± 56.42 hectare (± 139.41 acre) remainder. First Reading approved.
Closed Session
- Council moved into a closed session to consider the confidential “Personnel Update” under Section 24 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Council moved back into the public session and approved a 2 % cost of living increase for all non-unionized staff, effective October 3, 2022.
- Council moved into a closed session to consider the confidential item “Chief Administrative Officer Update” under Section 24 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Council moved back into the public session with no follow up action.
- Council moved into closed session to consider the confidential item “Annexation Update” under Sections 21, 24, and 25 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Council moved back into the public session with no follow up action.
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Council News