Council Decisions: July 26, 2022
Wednesday, July 27, 2022
Here is a brief summary of the decisions of Rocky View County Council at the July 26, 2022 Council Meeting. This is a general overview of decisions only. Details of the agenda items can be found in the meeting’s agenda and details on the specifics of the decisions can be found in the minutes of this meeting, both on the Meetings & Hearings page. Details are also available by contacting Legislative Services at the County.
General Business
- Council approved the reserve bids for the 2022 tax recovery sale, scheduled for 2:00 p.m. on Friday October 7, 2022, encompassing properties with taxes that are three years in arrears that remain unpaid as of this date.
- Council approved a budget adjustment of $1,038,800, funded by the Tax Stabilization Reserve, to advance the following strategic priorities as identified by Council in June of 2022:
- Service Excellence
- Governance improvement
- Strategy refresh
- Service capacity review
- Organizational excellence strategy
- Financial Health
- Long-term financial forecast
- “Soft” levies bylaw
- Responsible Growth
- Solar farms on agricultural land strategy
- Area structure plan updates
- Economic development strategy
- Council approved First Reading of Borrowing Bylaw C-8319-2022, and directed Administration to prepare and send an updated Local Improvement Plan to all affected landowners for the water supply upgrade and conversion system installation in the Wintergreen Woods subdivision. The previously approved Borrowing Bylaw C-8217-2021 will be rescinded and replaced to reflect the new cost of the project.
- Council approved Cemetery Management Bylaw C-8267-2022 intended to replace the existing Cemetery Bylaw C-6947-2010 in order to update the bylaw with current cemetery best practices and terminology, as well as provide more clarity to sections where procedures have changed. As Bylaw C-8267-2022 also includes all the relevant sections noted in Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund Policy C-217, this policy is rescinded.
- Council provided an update on the latest activities regarding municipal and community committees. Specific details can be reviewed on the meeting’s livestream video.
- Council received, for information, an update on the 2022 Council Priorities and Significant Issues list, including all active, ongoing and pending priorities and initiatives to assist council on the status of business items.
Planning and Development
- Division 5 – File: PL20210207 and PL20210208 (07212001), Bylaw C-8268-2022, Redesignation Item: (PL20210207) To approve the Roe Gravel Pit Master Site Development Plan (MSDP), which provides a non-statutory policy framework to guide and evaluate aggregate extraction on the site. (PL20210208) To redesignate ±19.32 hectares (±47.75 acres) from Agricultural, General District to Direct Control District to accommodate aggregate extraction operations. Considered under the County Plan.
- Council then approved a motion that Bylaw C-8268-2022 be referred to Administration to work with the Applicant on satisfying the technical requirements and submissions of an MSDP and return to Council no later than January 31, 2023. Specifically, the revised Master Site Development Plan shall address the following:
- Technical items to be submitted prior to further consideration of the MSDP. Specifically, a Hydrological Assessment, an Environmental Screening Report, a Noise Impact Memo, and an Air Quality Impact Memo.
- Policies committing the Applicant to submit a Site-Specific Stormwater Management Plan, a Landscaping Plan, an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan, a Construction Management Plan, a Traffic Management Plan, and a Detailed Reclamation Plan prior to future Development Permit stage.
- Removal of language in all policies that states the Applicant “will not submit” technical items or studies “as part of this MSDP or as part of any future DP application”.
- Amendments to policies as outlined in the report, including the requirement to reference additional regulations, standards, and County Policies.
- Division 5 – File: PL20210095 and PL20210096 (06306002/003/005/007/008), Bylaw C-8207-2021, Conceptual Scheme Item: (PL20210095) To adopt the High Plains Conceptual Scheme which provides a non-statutory policy framework for the development of an industrial park. Bylaw C-8205-2021 (PL20210096): To redesignate a portion of the subject lands from Agricultural, General District and Residential, Rural District to Industrial, Heavy District to facilitate the creation of 15 new industrial lots with lot sizes between ±16.69 acres and ±20.12 acres, and to Special Public Service District to accommodate the creation of two public utility lots. Considered under the Interim Growth Plan, the Rocky View County/City of Calgary Intermunicipal Development Plan, and the Balzac East Area Structure Plan. Approved.
- Division 1 – File: PL20200178 (03912130), Bylaw C-8146-2021, Redesignation Item: To redesignate the subject lands from Residential, Urban District to Commercial, Local Urban District to facilitate an eating establishment on the main floor and residential uses on the upper floor. Considered under the Greater Bragg Creek Area Structure Plan. Approved.
- Division 1 – File: PL20210092 (04711004), Bylaw C-8312-2022, Road Closure Application item: To close a ± 1.60 hectare (± 3.95 acre) portion of the original government road allowance immediately east of SE-14-24-03W05M and NE-11-24-03-W05M, as shown on Plan 0210921, and immediately west of Lot 52, Plan 9212151 NW-12-24-03-05. This portion of road allowance will be consolidated with Lot:1 Block:1 Plan:0210921: the adjacent parcel to the west as shown below. Considered under the Central Springbank Area Structure Plan, the Montebello Conceptual Scheme, the Parks and Open Space Master Plan, and the Active Transportation Plan: South County. Refused
- Division 1 – File: PL20210118 (04713039), Bylaw C-8313-2022, Road Closure Application Item: To close a ± 1.60 hectare (± 3.95 acre) portion of the original government road allowance located south of Range Road 31, adjacent to the eastern boundaries of SE-14-24-03-W05M and NE-11-24-03-W05M as shown on Plan 0210921, and immediately west of Lot 52, Plan 9212151 NW-12-24-03-05. This portion of road allowance will be consolidated with the Applicant’s parcel to the east (Lot 48, Plan 9212151; SW-13-24-03-W05M as shown above. Considered under the Central Springbank Area Structure Plan, the Montebello Conceptual Scheme, the Parks and Open Space Master Plan, and the Active Transportation Plan: South County. Refused
- Following the previous two items, Council approved a Motion Arising directing Administration to prepare a report for presentation to Council on or before November 29, 2022, outlining options to promote safe and accessible pathway connections to waterbodies and watercourses for recreational purposes along road allowances in conjunction with the Active Transportation Plan. The options shall also explore measures to ensure that impacts from pathway connections are mitigated to a level that does not materially interfere with the use, enjoyment, or value of adjacent private landowners.
- Division 6 – File: 03314001/2/03311001/2/3/6, Development Permit Item: Council waived the six-month waiting period for re-application of Development Permit PRDP202114577, under Section 83 of the County’s Land Use Bylaw C-8000-2020 Re-Application Interval, on the basis of the revised scope of the proposed development.
- Council directed Administration to undertake a full internal review of the draft SR1 Land Use Plan when released, and to provide the County’s feedback directly to Alberta Environment and Parks, in addition to continued participation in the Joint Land Use Advisory Committee. Administration is also directed to invite feedback from local landowners, residents, and community groups on the draft SR1 Land Use Plan through an online survey and written representations, and to collate this feedback to provide an overall County and community position to Alberta Environment and Parks. Notification of the County’s engagement will be conducted through a mailout to the wider Springbank area and through other digital communication channels.
- Division 5 – File: PL20210098 (06532018), Subdivision Item: To create two new parcels: a ± 1.40 hectare (± 3.46 acre) parcel (Lot 1) and a ± 1.40 hectare (± 3.46 acre) parcel (Lot 2) with a ± 34.90 hectare (± 86.24 acre) remainder. Considered under the County Plan. Approved with conditions.
- Division 6 – File: PL20210148 (03323008), Subdivision Item: To create a ± 3.20 hectare (± 7.92 acre) parcel with a ± 2.22 hectare (± 5.51 acre) remainder. Considered under the County Plan. Council voted to table the application until after Administration reports back to Council on potential options for amendment to the Business Live-Work district on or before September 13, 2022.
First Readings
- Division 2 – File: PL20210151 (05707130 to 05707167), Bylaw C-8315-2022, Amendment Item: To amend Bylaw C-6688-2008, as amended, being the Direct Control Bylaw (DC-129). Sections relating to Show Home Uses; allowable projections within the Village Core 1 (VC-1); and minimum lot frontage, side yard setbacks, maximum ratio of Garages to Total Building Face, and Maximum Lot Coverages within the Village Residential 2 (VR-2) cell as well as a revised Schedule ‘A’ are proposed. First Reading approved.
- Division 6 – File: PL20210200 (03321013), Bylaw C-8265-2022, Redesignation Item: To redesignate the subject lands from Direct Control District 146, Bylaw C-7043-2011, (DC-146) to Industrial, Light District. First Reading approved.
- Division 5 – File: PL20220001 (06302002), Bylaw C-8309-2022, Redesignation Item: To redesignate the subject lands from Agricultural, General District to Agricultural, Small Parcel District to facilitate future subdivision. First Reading approved.
- Division 5 – File: PL20220032/ PL20220033 (06410003), Bylaw C-8317-2022 and Bylaw C-8318-2022, Conceptual Scheme and Amendment Item: (PL20220032) Remove the requirement that the Road System has been constructed and received a Construction Completion Certificate; Remove setback and site coverage requirements for buildings abutting Highway 566; Revise the policy to facilitate suitable building facade treatments, visual screening, and landscaping buffering facing Highway 566. (PL20220033) Reduce the minimum required width of landscaped buffer facing Highway 566 from 10 m to 9 m; Increase the maximum building height in Cell A from 10 m to 15 m; Increase the maximum site coverage for Cell A from 25% to 48%; Include the subject lands into the area that is allowed for a maximum site coverage of 55%. First Reading approved.
- Division 2 – File: PL20220042 (04735027), Bylaw C-8310-2022, Redesignation Item: To redesignate the subject lands from Residential, Country Residential District to Residential, Rural District to accommodate a home-based business Type II use. First Reading approved.
- Division 3 – File: PL20220063 (06707002), Bylaw C-8308-2022, Redesignation Item: To redesignate the subject lands from Agricultural, Small Parcel District to Agricultural, Small Parcel District) to accommodate future subdivision. First Reading approved.
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Council News