Business Live-Work Land Use District Under Review
Thursday, May 26, 2022
The County is currently reviewing the Business Live-Work Land Use District to assess the advantages and disadvantages of the District as it is currently functioning, as well as an assessment of introducing one or more new Home-Based Business Development Permit Options to the Land Use Bylaw.
At the May 10, 2022 Council Meeting, Council passed the following motion:
“THAT Administration be directed to bring back the Live / Work land use for Council review along with an assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of introducing one or more new Home-Based Business development permit options e.g., Home-Based Business 3, no later than September 13, 2022.”
Based upon the above motion, Administration requested further direction from Council at the May 17 Council Meeting, relating to:
- How current and new Business Live-Work applications should be processed considering Council’s direction on May 10.
- How to ensure opportunity for Council to receive and debate this land use review, scheduled to be presented by September 13, 2022, prior to approving any bylaws.
- How to create a consistent approach for all Business Live / Work files.
Administration recommended Council provide direction to delay all Business Live / Work files until future Council resolution of this item, as there are currently 16 land use amendment applications under consideration, proposing redesignation to the Business Live-Work District.
At the May 17 Council meeting, Council approved a motion, directing Administration to not schedule any bylaw proposing this type of redesignation of a property’s land use, until Administration has presented its report on the Business Live-Work District review, at the September 13, 2022 Council Meeting, except for bylaws already having been publicized and proceeding to Public Hearing on May 31, 2022. This includes first readings and public hearings.
What this means for current files under review and new applications submitted prior to September 13, 2022:
- All applications currently under circulation and not already advertised for a Public Hearing on May 31, will be put on hold until further Council direction on September 13, 2022.
- Applications that are currently under circulation and DO NOT have a scheduled Public Hearing date, have the option to withdraw their application and receive a refund as per the Master Rates Bylaw, sections 460, 461.
- Any new applications will be notified of the above May 17 Council decision. Processing and circulation may proceed, however no formal decision on a recommendation will occur until after September 13, 2022.
Additionally, any enforcement action where necessary for files requesting redesignation, would occur only after September 13, 2022.
The intent of the review will provide Council with:
- Informed and consistent decision making
- Clear regulations
- Policy alignment for “orderly and economic development and use of land”
- Development guidelines
- Evaluation of Home-Based Business 3 requirements
NOTE: Definition of Live-Work District / B-LWK Business: PURPOSE: The purpose and intent of this district is to provide for a combination of residential and light industrial or commercial activity on a single parcel, with residential as the primary use. The parcel shall be located in the Central East Rocky View Region in locations where adjacent development is industrial or commercial in nature.
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