Council Decisions: December 22, 2020
Wednesday, December 23, 2020
Here is a brief summary of the decisions of Rocky View County Council at the December 22, 2020 Council Meeting. This is a general overview of decisions only. Details of the agenda items can be found in the meeting’s agenda and details on the specifics of the decisions can be found in the minutes of this meeting, both on the Meetings & Hearings page. Details are also available by contacting the County’s Municipal Clerk’s Office.
General Business
- Council approved a request by the Village of Beiseker to support their submission of a 2020/21 Alberta Community Partnership grant application in support of the Rocky View – Beiseker Regional Stormwater Management Plan project.
- Council received, for information, a report regarding the development a new Regional Transportations Infrastructure Levy System.
- Council received, for information, a report from Transportation Services outlining the feasibility of implementing restrictions on County roads including designated truck routes, year round road bans, and select road bans except by permit.
- Council approved the commencement of negotiations for a tri-lateral funding agreement for the Phase 2 Highway 1 and Range Road 33 interchange improvement with local developers to support future regional transportation needs.
- Council approved a transfer of $2,194,519.37 from the Tax Stabilization Reserve to supplement the off-site levy shortfall to fund interest and principal payments to capital infrastructure debt.
- Council then approved a Motion Arising directing Administration to investigate alternate funding sources for annual debt payments related to water and wastewater infrastructure, and to also prepare a report for Council’s consideration at or before the last Council meeting in May, 2021.
- Council denied the request for late tax payment penalty cancellation from the owner of Tax Roll 04605098 in accordance with Late Tax Payment Penalty Cancellation Policy C-204.
- Council denied the request for late tax payment penalty cancellation from the owner of Tax Roll 04619063 in accordance with Late Tax Payment Penalty Cancellation Policy C-204.
- Council denied the request for late tax payment penalty cancellation from the owner of Tax Roll 04721075 in accordance with Late Tax Payment Penalty Cancellation Policy C-204.
- Council denied the request for late tax payment penalty cancellation from the owner of Tax Roll 05618462 in accordance with Late Tax Payment Penalty Cancellation Policy C-204.
- Council denied the request for late tax payment penalty cancellation from the owner of Tax Roll 05704068 in accordance with Late Tax Payment Penalty Cancellation Policy C-204.
- Council denied the request for late tax payment penalty cancellation from the owner of Tax Roll 06404569 in accordance with Late Tax Payment Penalty Cancellation Policy C-204.
- Council denied the request for late tax payment penalty cancellation from the owner of Tax Roll 06712074 in accordance with Late Tax Payment Penalty Cancellation Policy C-204.
- Council denied the request for late tax payment penalty cancellation from the owner of Tax Roll 04329306 in accordance with Late Tax Payment Penalty Cancellation Policy C-204.
- Council then approved a Motion Arising directing Administration to hold a workshop with Council prior to the last Council meeting in March, 2021 to discuss Policy C-204, and related tax processes and procedures.
- Council denied the request for late tax payment penalty cancellation from CNOOC Petroleum for 49 different tax rolls in accordance with Late Tax Payment Penalty Cancellation Policy C-204.
- Council approved the renewal of development permit application PRDP20200843 to allow for aggregate processing, extraction and stockpiles in accordance with the conditions of approval.
- Council approved amendments to Conceptual Scheme Cost Recovery Policy #309 to provide for the recovery of costs associated with developer-funded area structure plans and conceptual schemes.
- Council approved a High Speed Internet Service Delivery Policy to provide strategic direction for the County to both partner with, and encourage internet service providers to facilitate fast, reliable, and affordable, internet services for the County.
- Council approved the following recreation grant applications funded through the Recreational Tax Levy, and evaluated in accordance with Community Recreation Funding Policy C-317:
- Beiseker Minor Hockey Community Recreation Grant for up to $11,000.00
- Camp Chestermere Association Community Recreation Grant for up to $6,000.00
- Cochrane Minor Baseball Association Community Recreation Grant for up to $1,500.00
- Extreme Cowboy Alberta Association Community Recreation Grant for up to $2,500.00.
- Council approved Bylaw C-8118-2020 to revise Road Closure Bylaw C-7902-2019 to change the description of the correct lands and complete the road closure and consolidation.
- Council received, for information, an update on the 2020 Council Priorities and Significant Issues list, including all active, ongoing and pending priorities and initiatives to assist council on the status of business items.
- Council approved a Motion first read into the record on December 22, 2020 directing Administration to create a bylaw stating that all Rocky View residents voting in municipal elections shall:
- provide one piece of government issued photo identification clearly showing the voter’s name and current address, e.g. driver’s license; or
- two pieces of identification, both of which must have the voter’s name, one of which must be government issued and one of which must have the voter’s name and current address.
In the case of using two pieces of identification, the names on both pieces must match. Furthermore, a person who chooses to vouch for another elector must be able to prove their identity and address through the above-mentioned means. And lastly, consideration in the Bylaw that an individual can vouch for only one person (except in long-term care institutions).
- Council approved a Motion first read into the record on December 22, 2020 directing Administration to extend the mandatory water/wastewater connection to the Bragg Creek municipal water and waste water utility system date from December 21, 2020 to December 31, 2021 and bring the policy back to council for decision.
First Readings
- Council approved First Reading of Bylaw C-8111-2020 to draft the Elbow View Area Structure Plan to guide future redesignation, subdivision, and development proposals within the plan area.
- Council approved First Reading of Bylaw C-8121-2020 to adopt the Highway 1/Old Banff Coach Road Conceptual Scheme to provide a policy framework to guide future redesignation, subdivision and development proposals within a portion of SW-36-24-03-W05M.
- Division 2 – File: PL20200130 (04722001), Bylaw C-8117-2020: Conceptual scheme amendment to amend the Springbank Creek Conceptual Scheme to allow for the development of a private school and associated recreational facilities on the subject parcel. First Reading approved.
- Division 3 – File: PL20200084 (04736002/6011), Bylaw C-8122-2020: Residential/Commercial Redesignation to redesignate the subject lands from Agricultural, General District to Direct Control to accommodate a mixed commercial development and Residential, Mid-Density Urban District to accommodate the development of a residential community within the eastern portion of the lands. First Reading approved.
- Division 3 – File: PL20200087 (04736002/6011), Bylaw C-8120-2020: ASP Amendment to amend the Central Springbank Area Structure Plan to provide for the proposed Highway 1/Old Banff Coach Road Conceptual. First Reading approved.
- Division 4 – File: PL20200098 (04209001), Bylaw C-8112-2020: Special Use Redesignation to redesignate the subject land from Agricultural, General District to Special, Future Urban Development District, in order to accommodate temporary truck storage on a 20 acre of the land. First Reading approved.
- Division 9 – File: PL20200104 (08922009), Bylaw C-8113-2020: Residential and Agricultural Redesignation to redesignate the subject land from Agricultural, General District to Residential, Rural District and Agricultural, Small Parcel District, in order to facilitate the creation of four ± 3.95 acre parcels with a ± 23.97 acre remainder. First Reading approved.
- Division 2 – File: PL20200107 (04718006), Bylaw C-8093-2020: Agricultural and Residential Redesignation to redesignate a ± 4.58 acre portion from Agricultural, General District to Residential, Rural District and ± 50.42 acres to Agricultural, Small Parcel District to facilitate a residential subdivision. First Reading approved.
- Division 7 – File: PL20200116 (07308011), Bylaw C-8119-2020: Residential Redesignation o redesignate a portion of the subject lands from Agricultural, Small Parcel (p12.1) District to Residential, Rural District to accommodate the creation of five new lots. First Reading approved.
- Division 9 – File: PL20200118 (07828003), Bylaw C-8107-2020: Agriculture Redesignation to redesignate the subject lands from Agriculture General District to Agriculture Small Parcel District to facilitate the creation of a 70.0 acre parcel (Lot 1) with a 70.0 acre remainder (Lot 2). First Reading approved.
- Council also approved a Motion Arising directing Administration to bring Circulation and Notification Standards Policy C-327 for review by the last Council meeting in April, 2021.
Closed Session
- Council moved into a closed session to consider the confidential item Blazer Water Systems Update under Section 16, 24 and 25 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Council moved back into the public session, and directed Administration to bring forward a borrowing bylaw and budget adjustment for the acquisition of Blaze Water Systems Ltd.
- Council moved into a closed session to consider the confidential item Kissel v Rocky View (County), 2020 ABQB 406 under Section 23, 24 and 27 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Council moved back into the public session, deferring the request, and directed Administration to send the original request for legal advice as to the ramifications and pros and cons, with a report to return by the January 26, 2021 Council meeting.
- Council moved into a closed session to consider the confidential item Sale of the Cochrane Gravel Pit under Section 24 and 25 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Council moved back into public session, with no resulting follow-up action.
- Council moved into a closed session to consider the confidential item Water and Wastewater Servicing at Cochrane Lakes under Section 24 and 25 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Council moved back into public session, and directed Administration to bring forward a borrowing bylaw and budget adjustment for the purchase of Horse Creek Water & Wastewater Services Inc.
- Council moved into a closed session to consider the confidential item Chestermere Recreation Centre under Section 24 and 25 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Council moved back into public session, with no resulting follow-up action.
- Council moved into a closed session to consider the confidential item Council Code of Conduct under Section 17, 23, and 27 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Council moved back into public session, with no resulting follow-up action.
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Council News