Council Decisions: November 10, 2020
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
Here is a brief summary of the decisions of Rocky View County Council at the November 10, 2020 Council Meeting. This is a general overview of decisions only. Details of the agenda items can be found in the meeting’s agenda and details on the specifics of the decisions can be found in the minutes of this meeting, both on the Meetings & Hearings page. Details are also available by contacting the County’s Municipal Clerk’s Office.
General Business
- Council received, for information, a report by the Chief Administrative Officer providing recommendations by the Economic Recovery Task Force as to how the County could assist with spurring economic recovery and building economic resiliency in the face of future public health crises.
- Council denied the request for late tax payment penalty cancellation from the owner of Rolls 0322114 and 03222115 in accordance with Late Tax Payment Penalty Cancellation Policy C-204.
- Six additional requests for late tax payment penalty cancellation, as well as Tax Penalty Bylaw C-4727-2020, will be brought back to Council at the November 24, 2020 Council meeting.
- Council approved Emergency Management Bylaw C-8074-2020 to replace the existing Bylaw C-7396-2014, to ensure Rocky View County’s compliance with the new Emergency Management Act and associated changes.
- Council received, for information, updates from individual Councillors relating to recent activities of boards, committees, and community initiatives to assist Council on the status of local priorities.
- Council received, for information, an update on the 2020 Council Priorities and Significant Issues list, including all active, ongoing, and pending priorities and initiatives to assist council on the status of business items.
- Council approved a Motion first read into the record on November 10, 2020 directing Administration to recommence advertising public notices, service announcements, and matters of significant concern to County residents in the Rocky View Weekly starting no later than January 5, 2021.
- Council approved a Motion first read into the record on November 10, 2020 directing Administration to initiate discussions with the City of Calgary to determine the process, timing, and costs to expand Rocky View County’s current sanitary sewer system in the Elbow Valley area to include a tie-in for the homes in the Mackenas Estates Community and to provide progress reports to Council regarding these negotiations every 6 months.
Planning and Development
- Division 8 – File: PL20200059 (06606046), Bylaw C-8060-2020, Redesignation Item: To redesignate the subject land from Residential, Rural Residential District to Residential, Country Residential District to facilitate the creation of a 2.20 acre parcel and 2.20 acre remainder. Considered under the Rocky View County/Calgary Intermunicipal Development Plan, and the Bearspaw Area Structure Plan. Approved.
- Division 7 – File: PL20200037 (07320001), Bylaw C-8053-2020, Redesignation Item: To redesignate the subject lands from Agricultural, General District to Business – Agricultural Services District to accommodate the Scott's Soil Blending Facility. Considered under the County Plan. Approved.
First Readings
- Division 6 – File: PL20200142 (07315033), Bylaw C-8098-2020: Residential Redesignation to redesignate the subject land from Residential, Rural District to Residential, Country Residential District, in order to facilitate the creation of a ± 2.065 acre new lot with a ± 2.065 acre remainder. First Reading approved.
- Division 9 – File: PL20200016 (06704041/06704032), Bylaw C-8099-2020: Residential Redesignation to redesignate the subject lands from Agricultural, Small Parcel District to Agricultural, Small Parcel District and Residential, Rural District, and from Residential, Country Residential District to Residential, Rural District to accommodate future subdivision of the subject lands. First Reading approved.
- Division 9 – File: PL20200144 (08912012), Bylaw C-8104-2020: Agricultural Redesignation to redesignate the subject land from Agricultural, Small Parcel District to Agricultural, Small Parcel District, in order to facilitate the creation of a ± 19.82 acre new lot with a ± 19.82 acre remainder. First Reading approved.
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Council News