Council Decisions: June 23, 2020
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Here is a brief summary of the decisions of Rocky View County Council at the June 23, 2020 Council Meeting. This is a general overview of decisions only. Details of the agenda items can be found in the meeting’s agenda and details on the specifics of the decisions can be found in the minutes of this meeting, both on the Council Minutes & Archives page. Details are also available by contacting the County’s Municipal Clerk’s Office.
General Business
- After a successful public hearing, Council approved Bylaw C-8032-2020 to fund the local improvement plan for the Country Lane Estates water coop upgrades.
- Council received, for information, a report by external market research consultant Stone-Olafson outlining the results of the consultation process related to the specialized municipality status change project, including information on resident and area business response statistics and overall public awareness of the initiative. Administration will bring a second report to Council in July of 2020, to seek direction for proceeding with an application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs.
- Council received an update regarding the allocation of $100,000 in funds from the Tax Stabilization Reserve to be used towards the completion of engineering and designs for the Langdon Recreation Centre project. This item was tabled until the completion of the Recreation Master Plan.
- Council appointed Councillor Jerry Gautreau to the Assessment Review Board, and as Chair, for a term expiring at the 2020 Organizational meeting of Council. Council also approved Bylaw C-8062-2020 amending the existing Assessment Review Boards Bylaw and directed Administration to review the Board and Committee Remuneration Policy C-221 to facilitate these appointments and provide recommended amendments at the July 28, 2020 Council Meeting. Administration will bring back options for a joint Assessment Review Board for the 2021 assessment complaint year once preliminary discussions with potential partner municipalities are concluded.
- Council received, for information, a report responding to a motion outlining options for holding a third Council meeting each month stemming to the dissolution of the Governance and Priorities Committee, including findings on scope consideration, resources needed and whether to hold meetings in the evenings to accommodate residents who may not be able to attend during regular work hours. Council approved a motion to consider at the October, 2020 organizational meeting, additional or evening or afternoon meetings for the 2021 calendar year and directed Administrative to provide a report, including true cost analysis of evening or afternoon meetings.
- Council approved a motion directing Administration to develop a policy, which would clearly define a process by which local communities could pursue the finance, construction, and operation of high speed internet connectivity through a community-led initiative, and that this policy be brought for Council consideration at a workshop to be held in September of 2020.
- Council received, for information, an update on the 2020 Council Priorities and Significant Issues list, including all active, ongoing and pending priorities and initiatives to assist council on the status of business items.
Planning and Development
- Division 4 – File PL20200022 (03234014), Bylaw C-8038-2020, Redesignation Item: Ranch and Farm District to Residential Three District in order to facilitate the creation of a ± 10 acres parcel with a ± 123.76 acres remainder. Considered under the County Plan. Approved.
- Division 5 – The two items below were considered concurrently and both tabled for reconsideration and additional review on a later date, pending a report from Administration on water solutions for the area.
- File PL20190153 (04329003), Bylaw C-7957-2019, Amendment to South Conrich Conceptual Scheme: Revisions and Appendix to South Conrich Conceptual Scheme to allow for development comprising six business-commercial lots, a municipal reserve, and a public utility lot. Considered under the Rocky View County/City of Calgary Intermunicipal Development Plan, Conrich Area Structure Plan, South Conrich Conceptual Scheme, and in conjunction with File PL20190021 (04329003).
- File PL20190021 (04329003), Bylaw C-7959-2019, Redesignation Item: Ranch and Farm Two to Business – Business Campus and Public Services District relating to the South Conrich Conceptual Scheme for future commercial development to accommodate six business lots ranging from 3.31 to 7.74 acres, a Public Utility parcel, and municipal reserve lands. Considered under the Rocky View County/City of Calgary Intermunicipal Development Plan, Conrich Area Structure Plan, South Conrich Conceptual Scheme, and in conjunction with File PL20190153 (04329003).
First Readings
- Division 4 – File PL20200045 (02329001), Bylaw C-8047-2020: Site-specific amendment to DC-124 to facilitate the development of an agro-tourism operation. First Reading Approved.
- Division 7 – File PL20200052 (06635006), Bylaw C-8058-2020: Agricultural redesignation from Ranch and Farm District to Ranch and Farm Two District in order to facilitate the creation of a ± 50.00 acre parcel with a ± 52.96 acre remainder. First Reading Approved.
- Division 5 – File PL20200061 (03308007), Bylaw C-8059-2020: Business redesignation from Residential Two District to Business – Industrial Campus District, in order to facilitate the operation of a landscaping business. First Reading Approved.
- Division 1 – File PL20200064 (03927001), Bylaw C-8061-2020: Agricultural redesignation from Ranch and Farm District to Ranch and Farm Three District, in order to facilitate the creation of a ± 60 acre new lot (Lot 1) with a ± 80.7 acre remainder. First Reading Approved.
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Council News