Provincial River Hazard Studies Updates
Tuesday, June 2, 2020
Alberta Environment and Parks has released an update on the status of the Bow and Elbow River Hazard Study and the Siksika Bow River Hazard Study.
The potential for flooding can occur throughout many areas in Alberta. To assist Albertans in mitigating potential flood losses, Alberta Environment and Parks manages the production of flood hazard studies and mapping under its provincial Flood Hazard Identification Program.
Visit the Alberta Government’s River Hazard Studies webpage to find more information on these two studies, as well as additional studies throughout the province. The province is exploring opportunities for public engagement in the Fall 2020, and will provide an update when more information becomes available.
If you have any questions regarding this work, contact Ruth DeSantis, Project Engagement and Education Specialist at or 403 355-2493.
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Water & Utilities
Planning & Development