Council Decisions: May 12, 2020
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Here is a brief summary of the decisions of Rocky View County Council at the May 12, 2020 Council Meeting. This is a general overview of decisions only. Details of the agenda items can be found in the meeting’s agenda and details on the specifics of the decisions can be found in the minutes of this meeting, both on the Council Minutes & Archives page. Details are also available by contacting the County’s Municipal Clerk’s Office.
General Business
- Council received, for information, a report on the Late Tax Payment Penalty Cancellation Policy C-204 outlining the criteria in which the policy is applied, including the timing of the receipt of payment and the rate of penalty applied to the late payment.
- Council received, for information, a report reviewing the offsite levy structure in response to a council direction made to Administration on January 28, 2020 to provide recommendations and options regarding collection and implementation.
- Council reviewed the option to cease further exploration of the County’s involvement in the Airdrie & Area Health Benefits Cooperative. This item was tabled until a later date. However, even though there is no specific ask for participation from the County at this time, Council directed Administration to continue involvement and bring available updates to Council.
- Council received, for information, a second update to the Community Broadband Study Project from Corporate Business Development. As the County was unsuccessful in securing a CARES funding grant required to move forward, this project is now concluded. Council also received a motion regarding a detailed cost/benefit analysis of internet servicing in the County. The motion was tabled until the May 26, 2020 Council meeting to allow for a proper motion to be crafted.
- Council received, for information, an update on the Bragg Creek Hamlet Expansion Strategy project and directed Administration to finalize Area Structure Plan amendments supporting a land use scenario with a higher residential density that justifies the costs of providing water and wastewater servicing for the area.
- Council approved the budgeted 2020 Specialized Transportation Grant funds totaling $303,500.00 be awarded as follows: $300,500 to the Rocky View Regional Handibus Society for operational services in the County and $3,000 to the Bragg Creek Snowbirds Seniors Fellowship Society for operational services in Bragg Creek. Administration is directed to enter into funding agreements with the Rocky View Regional Handibus Society and the Bragg Creek Snowbirds Seniors Fellowship Society for specialized transportation services.
- Council received a motion in follow up to a previous notice of motion directing Administration to develop and deliver a Property Tax Deferral Program. The motion was defeated.
- Council voted to appoint Deputy Reeve Schule and Councillor McKylor to serve as members of the CAO’s Economic Recovery Task Force. As per the Terms of Reference, the Task Force will provide recommendations to Council and the business community on how the County can assist with spurring economic recovery in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Council approved 2020 Tax Rate Bylaw C-8025-2020 reflecting a 3% property tax decrease approved by Council on April 28, 2020 and associated budget adjustment reduction for Designated Industrial Property Tax in the amount of $13,700.
- Council approved 2020 Langdon Special Tax Rate Bylaw C-8026-2020, intended to support and assist in the quality and delivery of recreation services in the hamlet of Langdon including the development of community programs, amenities and events.
- Council received, for information, an update on the 2020 Council Priorities and Significant Issues list, including all active, ongoing and pending priorities and initiatives to assist council on the status of business items.
First Readings
- Division 4 – File PL20200018 (03222114/03222115), Bylaw C-8040-2020: Site-Specific Direct Control District Amendment. Considered under the Langdon Area Structure Plan. First Reading approved.
- Divisions 4 – File PL20200029 (03216001), Bylaw C-8041-2020: Ranch and Farm District to Business – Agricultural Services District. Considered under the Calgary Metropolitan Region Board Regional Growth Plan. First Reading approved.
- Division 7 – File PL20200038 (06401017/06412003), Bylaw C-8042-2020: Industrial Redesignation. Considered under the Balzac East Area Structure Plan, and the High Plains Conceptual Scheme. First Reading approved.
Closed Session
- Council moved into a closed session to consider the confidential item “Chestermere Recreation Centre” under Section 24 and 25 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP). Council moved back into the public session, and directed Administration to decline the offer included in the City of Chestermere’s Non-Binding Letter of Intent presented on January 28, 2020.
- Council moved into a closed session to consider the confidential item “SR1” under Section 21, 24 and 25 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP). Council moved back into the public session after voting to withdraw objections to seeing the Springbank Off-Stream Reservoir project proceed through the environmental and regulatory review processes.
- Council moved into a closed session to consider the confidential item “Water & Wastewater Servicing Strategy” under Section 21, 24 and 25 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP). Council moved back into the public session, and voted that confidential report RVC2020-21 be received for information.
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Council News