Council Decisions: February 25, 2020
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
Here is a brief summary of the decisions of Rocky View County Council at the February 25, 2020 Council Meeting. This is a general overview of decisions only. Details of the agenda items can be found in the meeting’s agenda and details on the specifics of the decisions can be found in the minutes of this meeting, both on the Council Minutes & Archives page. Details are also available by contacting the County’s Municipal Clerk’s Office.
General Business
- Council appointed Councillor Jerry Gautreau as Rocky View County’s representative to the Board of Directors of the Canadian Badlands Tourism Association, and Councillor Mark Kamachi as the alternate representative.
- Council received, for information, a presentation by Corporate and Strategic Planning on the Corporate Business Plan. The Plan will assist in guiding Administration in advancing the priorities that Council has identified in its Strategic Plan and will build a foundation for the County’s future success and the realization of Council’s vision.
- Council received, for information, a Community Broadband Study Project Update report from Corporate Business Development, highlighting a pending CARES funding request and advocacy efforts with local ISP’s to determine the best strategies, techniques, and equipment needed in Council’s continued initiative to provide reliable high speed internet to all areas of the County. In addition, the Reeve will provide a letter to Xplornet Communications Inc., in support of their application to the CRTC – Universal Broadband Fund, for the improvement of broadband services within the County.
- Council approved a resolution that an Inter-municipal Development Plan between the Town of Irricana and Rocky View County will not be adopted at this time.
- Council approved an Inter-municipal Collaboration Framework between the Town of Irricana and Rocky View County. The ICF will have a four-year term and will provide a mechanism for mutual cooperation, effective dispute resolution and shared services between the two municipalities.
- Council approved an Inter-municipal Collaboration Framework between Kneehill County and Rocky View County. The ICF will have a four-year term and will provide a mechanism for mutual cooperation, effective dispute resolution and shared services between the two municipalities.
- Council approved an Inter-municipal Collaboration Framework between the Village of Beiseker and Rocky View County. The ICF will have a four-year term and will provide a mechanism for mutual cooperation, effective dispute resolution and shared services between the two municipalities.
- Council approved a resolution to grant an extension of the completion date for the Inter-municipal Development Plan between Wheatland County and Rocky View County from April 1, 2020 to April 1, 2021 to allow for flexibility with regards to circulation of the draft document, public hearing scheduling, and Calgary Metropolitan Regional Board consideration.
- Council approved general updates to the Community Recreation Funding Grant Program Policy C-317 as part of their regular policy review process.
- Council approved general updates to the Langdon Recreation Grant Program Policy C-328 as part of their regular policy review process.
- Council approved general updates to the Service Provision to Governments, Agencies, or Organizations Policy C-173 as part of their regular policy review process.
- Council denied the request to waive the six-month waiting period for development permit re-application for a Commercial Communications Facility, Type C at Block D, Plan 7910461 within SE-15-25-03-W05M (251147 Range Road 32).
- Council rescinded the Governance and Priorities Committee’s terms of reference and resolved that all future presentations previously submitted at GPC meetings be scheduled for Council meetings. The Procedure Bylaw will be updated accordingly to accommodate a new public presentation process.
- Council received, for information, a Declaration of Sufficient Petition and directed Administration to prepare a Local Improvement Plan and corresponding borrowing bylaw for the water system installation in the Country Lane Estates subdivision, and to schedule a Public Hearing.
- Council approved amendments to Condition #9 of Subdivision Application PL20190121 to defer the Transportation Offsite Levy as per the Municipal Planning Commission’s recommendation.
- Council approved a resolution to support Wheatland County’s submission of a 2019/2020 Alberta Community Partnership grant application in support of the CSMI regional stormwater management project.
- Council approved a motion directing Administration to sell Plan 7191 JK, Parcel A and that the net proceeds, along with Springbank MSI funds, be allocated towards a new Springbank Community Centre and funding for future recreation projects.
- Council approved Bylaw C-8014-2020 to amend the existing Council Code of Conduct Bylaw C-7768-2018 to further clarify and streamline the existing complaint process for Council members and the public.
- Council approved Bylaw C-8021-2020 to amend the existing Municipal Planning Commission Bylaw C-7967-2019 to change quorum from simple majority to three members.
- Council approved Special Events Bylaw C-7990-2020, intended to support the new streamlined special event process, while ensuring legislative requirements are met to ensure safe and enjoyable events in the community.
- Council approved 2020 Master Rates Bylaw C-7992-2020, establishing the updated fees and rates charged by the County for goods and services, which will come into effect on March 15, 2020.
- Council approved the First Reading of Bylaw C-8015-2020 and directed the CAO or designate be authorized to execute the Water Utility Franchise Agreement between Rocky View County and Calalta Waterworks Ltd. to exclusively provide water utility services to the Springbank area. Second and third reading will be considered upon approval of the Franchise Agreement by the Alberta Utilities Commission.
Planning and Development
- Division 4 – File PL20190171 (02315006), Bylaw C-7981-2019, Redesignation Item: Ranch and Farm District to Agricultural Holdings District in order to create two ± 20.11 acre parcels with a ± 109.77 acre remainder. Considered under the Calgary Metropolitan Region Board Regional Growth Plan. Approved.
- Division 9 – File PL20190118 (08922001), Bylaw C-7950 -2019, Redesignation Item: Residential Two District to Agricultural Holdings District. Considered under the Calgary Metropolitan Region Board Regional Growth Plan. Approved.
- Division 6 – File PL20180057 (08103010), Bylaw C-7962-2019, Redesignation Item: Ranch and Farm District to Ranch and Farm District (Amended) to accommodate the development of a solar farm. Considered under the South Saskatchewan Regional Plan, and the County Plan. Approved.
- Division 5 – File PL20180134 (05303012), Bylaw C-7963-2019, Redesignation Item: Residential Three District to Local Commercial District to accommodate future subdivision in accordance with the Conrich Station Conceptual Scheme. Considered under the Calgary Metropolitan Region Board Regional Growth Plan, the Conrich Area Structure Plan, and the Conrich Station Conceptual Scheme. Approved.
- Division 1 – File PL20190157 (03913077), Bylaw C-7960-2019, Redesignation Item: Proposed Direct Control Bylaw to redesignate the subject land from Hamlet Commercial District to Direct Control District to allow a Specialty Food and Beverage facility, Drinking Establishment, Hotel, Liquor Sales, Restaurant, Signs and other related uses. Considered under the County Plan, the Greater Bragg Creek Area Structure Plan, and in conjunction with File: PL20190156 (03913077) below. Approved.
- Division 1 – File PL20190156 (03913077), Bragg Creek Brewery Master Site Development Plan to guide and evaluate the development of a Specialty Food and Beverage Facility, hotel, drinking establishment and other related uses. Considered under the County Plan, the Greater Bragg Creek Area Structure Plan, and in conjunction with File PL20190157 (03913077) above. Approved.
First Readings
- Division 5 – File 1015-25, Bylaw C-8020-2020: Janet Area Structure Plan Amendments. Considered under the Calgary Metropolitan Region Board Regional Growth Plan, and Janet Area Structure Plan. First Reading approved.
- Division 3 – File PL20190140 (04702011), Bylaw C-8011-2020: Residential Redesignation. Considered under the City of Calgary/Rocky View County Inter-municipal Development Plan. First Reading approved.
- Division 2 – File PL20190173 (04734003), Bylaw C-8010-2020: Commercial Redesignation. Considered under the Calgary Metropolitan Region Board Regional Growth Plan, Rocky View County / City of Calgary Inter-municipal Development Plan, the North Springbank Area Structure Plan, the Bingham Crossing Conceptual Scheme, and the Bingham Crossing Master Site Development Plan. First Reading Approved.
- Division 5 – File PL20190197 (06304007), Bylaw C-8012-2020: Residential Redesignation. Considered under the County Plan. First Reading approved.
- Division 1 – File PL20190205 (04833007), Bylaw C-8013-2020: Agricultural Redesignation. Considered under the Calgary Metropolitan Region Board Regional Growth Plan. First Reading approved.
Closed Session
- Council moved into a closed session to consider the confidential item “Request to Lease County Land – 243208 Garden Road” under section 24 and 25 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP). Council moved back into the public session, and directed Administration to negotiate a five-year lease, for Council’s consideration, for the Chapel and related lands located at the Rocky View Garden of Peace.
- Council moved into a closed session to consider the confidential item “Request to Lease/Sell County Land – Plan 7191 JK, Parcel A (Cochrane Gravel Pit)” under section 24 and 25 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP). Council moved back into the public session, and directed Administration to negotiate a purchase and sale agreement, for Council’s consideration, for the sale of County Land - Plan 7191JK Parcel A.
- Council moved into a closed session to consider the confidential item “Offer to Purchase County Land – Plan 5292JK, Site A & B (Indus Pit)” under section 24 and 25 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP). Council moved back into the public session, and directed Administration to negotiate a purchase and sale agreement, for Council’s consideration, for the sale of County Land – Plan 5292JK, Site A & B.
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Council News