Council Decisions: February 11, 2020
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Here is a brief summary of the decisions of Rocky View County Council at the February 11, 2020 Council Meeting. This is a general overview of decisions only. Details of the agenda items can be found in the meeting’s agenda and details on the specifics of the decisions can be found in the minutes of this meeting, both on the Council Minutes & Archives page. Details are also available by contacting the County’s Municipal Clerk’s Office.
General Business
- Council received, for information, a presentation by the Nose Creek Watershed Partnership on the Nose Creek Watershed Model Project. Council supports the establishment of an inter-municipal decision-support system and modelling tool for the project and the designation of the Town of Crossfield as managing partner.
- Council approved a budget adjustment of $15,604.50 towards the Boulder Creek Playground Resurfacing Project received from the Alberta Recycling Management Authority in the form of a Municipal Demonstration Grant.
- Council approved a time extension to allow Administration to conclude preliminary discussions with potential partner municipalities in their exploration of options for a joint Assessment Review Board.
- Council approved a one-time 2020 Road Ban Exemption on any County roadway for affected agricultural producers in the County to allow for the hauling and removal of unharvested crops remaining in fields due to an early snowfall in 2019.
- Council received, for information, a 2019 Operating Highlights report from Building Services, including information on residential and commercial building permit totals, applications per division and yearly comparisons.
- Council approved a resolution that an Inter-municipal Development Plan between Mountain View County and Rocky View County will not be adopted at this time. The existing Inter-municipal Collaboration Framework will continue to provide a mechanism for discussion, dispute resolution and shared services.
- Council approved the adoption of an Inter-municipal Collaboration Framework between the Municipal District of Bighorn and Rocky View County.
- Council received, for information, a report by the Cooperative Stormwater Management Initiative including updates on finalization for the organization to become a legal entity, status of the regulatory applications required to begin Stage 1-South construction, and preliminary findings of Rocky View County’s Business Case Analysis.
- Council approved the Terms of Reference for an applicant-led Highway 8 Area Structure Plan (H8-ASP) development, and subject to engagement adjacent jurisdictions, including the City of Calgary and Tsuut’ina Nation.
- In response to a motion heard at the January 14, 2020 Council meeting, Council directed Administration to draft amendments to the County Plan to allow a development proponent to prepare a new area structure plan or amendment to an area structure plan, subject to a Council-adopted terms of reference, and to also draft amendments to the County Plan to allow a development proponent to prepare a new area structure plan or amendment to an area structure plan be included in the current drafting of a new Municipal Development Plan.
- Council approved amended Bylaw C-8019-2020 to adopt an Inter-municipal Collaboration Framework between the Mountain View County and Rocky View County.
- Council approved Bylaw C-8017-2020 to amend the Appeal and Review Panel Bylaw C-7717-2017 to reflect the deletion of the requirement for an alternate member of Council on its membership.
- Bylaw C-8014-2020 to amend the existing Council Code of Conduct Bylaw C-7768-2018 will be considered for third reading at the February 25 Council Meeting.
- Council approved Bylaw C-8006-2020 to amend the existing Procedure Bylaw C-7907-2019 to further assist in the rules of procedure to be followed by Council, committees, and other bodies established by Council.
- Council approved a Notice of Motion directing Administration to sell Tax Roll #5835001 and that the net proceeds, along with Springbank MSI funds, be allocated towards a new Springbank Community Centre and funding for future recreation projects.
Planning and Development
- Division 4 – File PL20190142 (03316012), Bylaw C-7961-2019, Redesignation Item: Agricultural Holdings District to Business-Industrial Campus District in order to in order to support business expansion in the future. Considered under the Rocky View County/City of Calgary Inter-municipal Development Plan and the County Plan. Approved.
- Division 5 – File PL20180102 (03325006), Bylaw C-7940-2019, Redesignation Item: From Farmstead District to Public Services District in order to accommodate future development of a religious assembly on-site. Considered under the County Plan, and in conjunction with File PL20180144 (03325006) below. Approved.
- Division 5 – File PL20180144 (03325006), Pho Duc Vietnamese Buddhist Cultural Centre Master Site Development Plan to guide and evaluate the development of a religious assembly on-site. Considered under the County Plan, and in conjunction with File PL20180102 (03325006) above. Approved.
- Division 9 – File PL20190133 (07802005), Bylaw C-7949 -2019, Redesignation Item: Site-Specific Amendment to DC-96 to reduce the minimum side yard setback requirements for parking, storage, and display products within Cell B & Cell C, and to reduce the minimum distance requirement between mini storage uses. Considered under the County Plan. Approved.
- Division 5 – File PL20190092 (05333083), Bylaw C-7953-2019, Redesignation Item: Residential from Residential Two District to Residential One District to facilitate future subdivision. Considered under the County Plan. Refused.
First Readings
- Division 1 – File PL20190198 (04834011), Bylaw C-8004-2020: Ranch and Farm District to Direct Control District. Considered under the Calgary Metropolitan Region Board Regional Growth Plan. First Reading approved.
- Division 4 – File PL20190192 (03309002/001), Bylaw C-8003-2020: Shepard Estates Conceptual Scheme. Considered under the Calgary Metropolitan Region Board Regional Growth Plan. First Reading approved.
- Division 4 – File PL20190191 (03309002/001), Bylaw C-8002-2020: Residential Redesignation. Considered under the Calgary Metropolitan Region Board Regional Growth Plan. First Reading approved.
Closed Session
- Council moved into a closed session to consider the confidential item “Cochrane Gravel Pit Lease Request” under section 24 and 25 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP). Council moved back into the public session, and approved a motion to table the item until February 25, 2020.
- Council moved into a closed session to consider the confidential item “IAFF Contract Negotiations” under section 24 and 25 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP). Council moved back into the public session, and voted to approve the 2018 Collective Agreement between Rocky View County and the International Association of Fire Fighters Local 4794, along with the corresponding budget adjustment.
- Council moved into a closed session to consider the confidential item regarding the Chestermere Recreation Centre letter of intent, under section 24 and 25 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP). Council moved back into the public session, and directed Administration to request that the City of Chestermere amend their letter of intent, presented on January 28, 2020, to reflect a March 31, 2020 expiry date.
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Council News