Minister Rejects Municipal Inspection
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Alberta Municipal Affairs Minister Kaycee Madu has refused to order a municipal inspection of Rocky View County, and has found a petition calling for such a move to be insufficient.
In a letter to County Reeve Greg Boehlke, Minister Madu said a petition he received has failed to demonstrate any significant and broad community concern that would warrant provincial intervention. The petition was launched by a group of supporters of censured County councillors Kevin Hanson, Samanntha Wright, and Crystal Kissel.
Under the Municipal Government Act, the Minister may order an inspection of any matter connected with the management, administration, or operation of a municipality. The inspection can be generated on the Minister’s own initiative, on the request of council, or through a petition signed by electors of the municipality that number at least 20 percent of the population.
In his letter to Reeve Boehlke, Minister Madu said any decision over a municipal inspection is not made lightly, and that as a result of his department’s review of the matter, he would not be proceeding with an inspection of Rocky View County.
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