Council Decisions: January 28, 2020
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Here is a brief summary of the decisions of Rocky View County Council at the January 28, 2020 Council Meeting. This is a general overview of decisions only. Details of the agenda items can be found in the meeting’s agenda and details on the specifics of the decisions can be found in the minutes of this meeting, both on the Council Minutes & Archives page. Details are also available by contacting the County’s Municipal Clerk’s Office.
General Business
- Council received, for information, the Audit Service Plan prepared by MNP LLP outlining how they will conduct the 2019 audit. MNP LLP will present their audit findings to Council on April 28, 2020.
- Council denied the request for late tax payment penalty cancellation from the owner of Tax Roll 05707034 in accordance with Late Tax Payment Penalty Cancellation Policy C-204.
- Council received, for information, an update report for the Bow Basin Water Management Options Project highlighting Phase 1 Conceptual Assessment including reservoir design options and information gathering that has been presented at public open houses.
- Council approved Langdon Community Association’s request for $19,378.12 for programming and facilities maintenance, and Langdon Theatre Association’s request for $6,301.74 for relocation and storage of program materials. These initiatives will be funded by the Langdon Recreation Special Tax Funding Grant program.
- Council approved general updates to the Community Benefit Initiatives Grant Policy C-321 as part of their regular policy review process.
- Council directed administration to take ownership of the unclaimed fill material removed from 33019 Township Road 250 for use in County projects. Any additional costs for screening to remove debris and hauling unsuitable materials to the landfill will be billed to the landowners of 33019 Township Road 250.
- Council approved a motion to amend the June 11, 2019 resolution with respect to PRDP20190505 Compost Facility, Type II and Manure Storage Facility, that will extend the completion date of the full site clean-up of all onsite materials to June 28, 2020.
- In response to a motion heard at the January 14, 2020 Council meeting, Council directed Administration to return with a report to Council on May 12, 2020, providing a broad-based set of recommendations and options regarding levy collection and implementation.
- Council directed Administration to draft a letter of support for Strathcona County’s resolution to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities regarding Bill C-48, Bill C-69, and a National Utilities Corridor.
- Council approved a Second Reading of Bylaw C-7937-2019 to adopt an Inter-municipal Development Plan between the Municipal District of Bighorn and Rocky View County.
- Council approved the Terms of Reference for the Electoral Boundary and Governance Review. New bylaws outlining potential changes to governance structures are anticipated to be presented to Council for consideration by July 31, 2020.
- Council approved Bylaw C-8001-2020 to authorize a $5 million line of credit with Alberta Treasury Branch. The borrowing term is three years and will provide reduced financial risk and fiscal responsibility.
- Council approved Fire Services Bylaw C-7886-2019 and Fire Protection Service Levels Policy as part of their regular policy review process.
- Council approved a motion that the appointment of Councillor McKylor as the alternate member of Council to the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board and Enforcement Appeal Board be rescinded, as well as a subsequent motion that Administration bring forward an amendment to the Appeal and Review Panel Bylaw to reflect the deletion of the requirement for an alternate member of Council on its membership.
Planning and Development
- Division 8 – File PL20190120, Bylaw C-7966-2019, Road Closure: Council approved an application to close a 1.87 acre portion of road allowance in order to consolidate with the adjacent lands and facilitate further subdivision. The bylaw will now be forwarded to the Minister of Transportation for approval.
- Division 9 – File PL20180059 (10013010), Bylaw C-7807-2018, Redesignation Item: Conceptual Scheme Amendment to remove any wording that references prohibition or restriction of full basements, to allow cabins to be connected to natural gas, and to allow year-round water servicing in the plan area. Considered under the Cottage Club Ghost Lake Conceptual Scheme, and in conjunction with File PL20180060 (10013010) below. Approved.
- Division 9 – File PL20180060 (10013010), Bylaw C-7808-2018, Redesignation Item: Site-Specific Amendment to DC-123 to allow year-round water servicing in the Cottage Club Ghost Lake area. Considered under the Cottage Club Ghost Lake Conceptual Scheme, and in conjunction with File PL20180059 (10013010) above. Approved.
- Division 7 – File PL20170103 (06416004), Bylaw C-7922-2019, Conceptual Scheme Item: Adopt the Hays Hills Outline Plan (formerly Sharp Hills Outline Plan) as an appendix to the 566 Crossing Business Park Conceptual Scheme to provide a policy framework to guide future subdivision within a portion of the NE-16-26-29-W04M to facilitate the creation of nine residential parcels ≥1.98 acres, one municipal reserve parcel, and one remainder parcel. Considered under the Balzac East Area Structure Plan, the 566 Crossing Conceptual Scheme, the Calgary International Airport Vicinity Protection Area Regulation, and in conjunction with File PL20170104 (06416004) below. Approved with amendments.
- Division 7 – File PL20170104 (06416004), Bylaw C-7923-2019, Redesignation Item: Ranch and Farm District to Residential One District to redesignate approximately 18.09 acres of land in order to facilitate the future subdivision of up to nine ≥1.98 acre parcels and a municipal reserve lot. Considered under the Balzac East Area Structure Plan, the 566 Crossing Conceptual Scheme, the Calgary International Airport Vicinity Protection Area Regulation, and in conjunction with File PL20170103 (06416004) above. Approved.
First Readings
- Council approved First Reading of Land Use Bylaw 8000-2020, amendment Bylaw C-7994-2020, amendment Bylaw C-7995-2020, amendment Bylaw C-7996-2020, and amendment Bylaw C-7997-2020.
- Division 7 – File PL20190090 (06410002/0005/0058), Bylaw C-7985-2019: Amendment to DC-109. Considered under the Balzac East Area Structure Plan and in conjunction with File PL20180153 (06410005) below. First Reading Approved.
- Division 7 – File PL20180153 (06410005), Bylaw C-7984-2019: Site-Specific Amendment to DC-109. Considered under the Balzac East Area Structure Plan and in conjunction with File PL20190090 (06410002/0005/0058) above. First Reading Approved.
- Division 8 – File PL20170153 (05618039/05619004/006/054), Bylaw C-7991-2020: Residential and Commercial Conceptual Scheme – Ascension. Considered under the Calgary Metropolitan Region Board Regional Growth Plan, the Rocky View/Calgary Inter-municipal Development Plan, and the Bearspaw Area Structure Plan. First Reading Approved - with a motion arising to expand the circulation area to 1,600 meters within Rocky View County.
- Division 5 – File PL20190201 (05308009), Bylaw C-7993-2020: Live-Work Redesignation. Considered under the County Plan. First Reading Approved.
- Division 5 – File PL20190189 (03331171/173/175-181), Bylaw C-8005-2020: Site-Specific Amendment to DC-76. Considered under the Calgary Metropolitan Region Board Regional Growth Plan, the Rocky View/Calgary Inter-municipal Development Plan, and the Janet Area Structure Plan. First Reading Approved.
Subdivision Authority
- Division 1 – File PL20190168 (05821003), Subdivision Item: First Parcel Out. Considered under the County Plan. Tabled by the Subdivision Authority.
- Division 9 – File PL20190159 (08909001), Subdivision Item: Creation of Four Agricultural Parcels. Considered under County Plan. Approved by the Subdivision Authority.
Closed Session
- Council moved into a closed session to consider the confidential item “Land Sale” under section 24 and 25 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP). Council moved back into the public session, and directed Administration to review a letter of intent presented by the city of Chestermere and prepare a report for Council’s consideration.
- Council moved into a closed session to consider the confidential item “Cochrane Gravel Pit Lease Request” under section 24 and 25 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP). Council moved back into the public session and approved a motion to table the item until February 1, 2020.
- Council moved into a closed session to consider the confidential item “Airdrie Grader Shed Sale” under section 24 and 25 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP). Council moved back into the public session, and directed Administration to discontinue negotiations with the purchaser and investigate the possibility of transferring the land to the City of Airdrie.
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Council News